Classifieds 9/8


DON’T FORGET GOD this school year! Worship Him every Sunday in Christ’s Chapel (Bearss/Living-ston)!

I SAW U. Cutie at Washington Mutual. T-shirt, jeans, opening a Free Checking account. Obvious-ly smart. Wanna buy me a coffee with some of the cash you save from not paying monthly fees? Same place next Tuesday? FDIC insured.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSare special at Christ’s Chapel (Bearss/Livingston)! See for your-self this Sunday morning!

Instruction, Schools

Make Big $$$Become a Poker DealerEarn $800-1200/week while getting a degree. 813-785-9956


HALLOWEEN GEAR – do you want the best deals? Go to Gray’s College Bookstore.

Travel Opportunities

Spring Break 2005 with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Opera-tor. Hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Info/reservations 1-800-648-4849

Service Offered

A-Professional Private Tutoring Calculus, Algebra, Finite, Liberal-Arts Math, Statistics, Research Methods, CLAST, GRE, LSAT, GMAT, SAT Charlotte 987-2440

Charisma Hair & Nail Studio, 7227 N Nebraska Ave, full service salon, now hiring. 237-4837

Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573

Laser Hair RemovalSummer Special$50 – Any AreaFor appointment call 997-0866

PRECIOUS NAILS1908 E.Fletcher Ave Acrylic Nails Special Gel Nails-$28.00Free Airbrush Waxing/Spa Pedicure(813)972-9325

Resumes, Term Papers, Notary Services by appointment. 813-977-8954

WINDOW TINT $49.99 &up. Car Alarms $79.99 installed. Lowering Springs $100.00 set. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950

Help Wanted

!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.

17 People needed to lose 10-30lbs in 30 days. Call Sienna 916-780-4576.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT CENTERNetwork Area Worker (PT)–Transport clients on recreational outings, part-time, flexible evening hours, ideal for students who would like to get experience in the psychology field (Mental Health). High School diploma; Valid State of Florida Driver’s License. Hours are 4-10pm, Tuesdays & Thurs-days, hours may vary on Fridays. Salary is $7.70 per hour.Peer Assistant (PT)–Person with strong interest in Mental Health; able to drive clients to and from appointments and relate interac-tions via written documentation. Social outings and home visits are part of the duties. Valid Florida Driver’s License with a good driv-ing record. Flexible schedule, 20 hours a week, Monday thru Friday and possibly some weekends. Salary is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612. Fax (813)972-3886/ EOE

Cooks/Chef Wanted! Pizza Su-prema II, voted “Best Pizza” in the Tampa Bay area, is looking for re-sponsible & energetic team play-ers for their 5pm-9/10pm shift. Previous cooking experience is preferred, but not required. Call Willie Lopez at (813)907-2878 to schedule an interview.

Corpus Christi Catholic School, Temple Terrace, is seeking an en-thusiastic/caring person interested in working with children part-time in our Extended Day Program, Monday through Friday, 2:30PM-6:00PM. Applicants must be 21 or older. Call 988-1722.

DirectTV Store now hiring for in-side/outside sales positions. Great pay, flex schedule. Sales exp is preferred. 914-7600

FALL OPENINGSGood pay. Ideal for students. No exp nec. Conditions apply.All ages 18+. Cust sales/svc.

Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!

Governess/Tutor/Mentor for 6th grade, home-schooled, LD/ADHD girl in NE St. Pete. Special ed ex-perience/education preferred. 10-30 hours/week. 727-822-7212

Intake Workers. Juvenile Assess-ment Center. Various shifts. FT. High School Diploma required. Gain experience in juvenile justice setting. DFWP/EEO. Fax resume 936-2630.

Make $100,000 in 2 years. PT work, 10 hrs/week. 969-1839

Multiple Paid Internships availa-ble: Assistant to President, ASP.Net Web Developer Intern-ship, Marketing Internship (3 avail-able). For details on each position and to apply, go to:

Now hiring energetic, motivated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. Customer service or sales exp preferred. PT/FT. Flex schedules. Hourly + commission. Citrus and Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.

Now Hiring in Pinellas CountyPart-Time Tellers to work with var-ious Credit Unions in the area. Flexible schedules. Must have re-liable transportation. $9/hour to start. Apply at EOE/DFWP

Now hiring Servers. Make night time money working days. Apply in person @First Watch, 2726 E. Fowler Ave.

PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.

PHP Programmer for music web-site. Graphics, content, prototype complete. Ready to code. or 813-914-8696.

Political Campaign Work! Mobilize voters in massive voter education and Get-Out-The-Vote operation in the upcoming elections. $8/hr, Part-time jobs/internships available for largest grassroots organization working for Progressive Change. America Coming Together813-350-9007;
Pro Shop Attendant Afternoon shifts, $6.50/hr. Temple Terrace Country Club. Please call 988-2601.

PT OPENINGS, car stereo instal-ler or office assistant. Employee Discounts. Flexible hours. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950

Sales Representatives, National Call Center. Sales exp a must. Flexible shifts. Email resume to

THE PERFECT BUSINESSPart-time hours/Full-time

UPS Store, Tampa Palms needs pleasant & Happy personalities for 20-25 hrs. 632-7969

WANTED SUNDAY MORNINGS: Guitarist/soloist, trumpet player, children’s songleader, Bible teach-er! Please call 977-3333 today!

Child Care

Babysitter to take and/or pick-up from school. 3-children(4-1/2,9,12) Tampa Palms. Flexible weekdays. Experience/references necessary. 842-0450
Experienced Babysitter needed for 2yo & infant. Weekday after-noons/early evenings-6 miles from USF. Call 813-426-3659.

Apts. & Houses for Rent

2Bed/2Bath Condo$695/month, no deposit! On USF Shuttle route, minutes from cam-pus. Call 1-813-404-6932.

Brand New House, rooms for rent. 3/2 plus W/D. 5 minutes from USF. 972-7717. $425.

Apts. & Houses to Share

2 Roommates Needed @ Hunt-ers Green 3BR-2BA condo, 1/3 Util, $400 Room. USF Parking Paid For. Call 235-3766.

2 Rooms Available in 3BR/2BA house at Hunter’s Green, New Tampa. $499/mo, utilities+cable included. 813-505-9821

2-female roommates needed, The Highlands @Hunters Green. 3BR/2BA condo, all utils incld, furn. $475/room. (813)892-7537

Female Roommate(s). Neat, fun, responsible. Large pool/jacuzzi home near 275 & Bearss, furn/un-furn. $400-$450+. 813-728-3578

Female to share new house 5 mi-nutes from campus. $450 includes utilities, DSL, W/D. 244-4303

Looking for female non-smoker to share 2BR/2BA apartment in Carlton Arms. Approx $400/mo. 813-978-6344

Mature/Professional Roommate needed to share fully furnished 2/2, Carrollwood. Available Oct 1st. $450+1/2 utilities/per-month. 813-968-9153

Room ava. in a very quiet 3/2 Temple Terrace House. Computer room, game room, Big Screen TV. HS-Internet. $350/month + 1/3 Utilities. 813-310-4523

Roommate Needed, quiet 2BR Condo, Rainforest Manor near USF. Available now. $445/mo. Jean 546-9686, 831-9130.

Roommates needed to share 4BR/2.5BA house in New Tampa. Lots of amenities! $400/mo+utils. Call 813-728-5615. Sublease

Breckenridge Apartment. 3 bed-room apartment, one room availa-ble, female. Utilities included, $435. (727)868-6395

MUST SUBLEASE ASAP! Jeffer-son Commons 1BR in 2BR, fur-nished, utilities included. $470/mo, call 727-515-2894.

For Sale/Miscellaneous

Playstations and Xbox! Police seized property from $10.00! For info call 1-800-747-9372 ext P217.


Bed $110, Queen plush top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Bed $85. Brand new full-size mat-tress set, still in plastic, w/warran-ty. 813-870-0070. Can deliver.

Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & Loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Couch, Chair, Coffee Table, End Table, 1-Lamp for sale. Located in Tampa. Call 239-489-2107, 813-601-6498.

Top Grain Italian leather Sofa & Loveseat. New, still in plastic. $895. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Autos for Sale

HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.