USF mourns Amir Abdur-Rahim, women's basketball to face ranked foes and more.
To read more about men's basketball coach Amir Abdur-Rahim's legacy at USF
and women's basketball international talents, click here.

Classifieds 6/21

Instruction, Schools

CNA Test Prep, $265. Small classes Sat or Tues. Creating caring CNA’s. Holistic Health 748-2519.

Service Offered

A&R Cleaning AgentHouses, Condos, Apartments, Offices, Business Places & Complexes. Call today: 813-298-9957, 494-8196

DROP POUNDS and Save Money on meals with ShapeWorks, FREE consultation. 813-248-1501,

Joe’s TutoringHelp with writing essaysEditing dissertationsStudy skills/review for examsCertified English InstructorMasters student in English Ed727-867-5505

Laser Hair RemovalIntroductory 1st Time SpecialBikini & Underarms $100For appointment call 997-0866

Term Paper Help from dedicated writing professionals. ESL, research/writing, editing, entrance letters and thesis help. Toll-Free 1-888-345-8295

University Car Rental. Good used GM’s/Ford’s from $15/day. Ins. required. No CC required. 977-4231

Help Wanted

!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.

$250-$500/week Will train to work at home Helping the U.S. Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2907

***ATTENTION STUDENTS***$16.25per/hr PT Flexible/Student HoursLocal Company looking to fill mktg/customer relations positions. *Room for Advancement*Monthly Bonuses*Paid VacationsEmail Resume Or Fax813-621-9847 Ph888-542-4447

Best P/T Job in Temple Terrace. $8.00-$12.00 to start. Sales exp helpful. Eve hrs 5:15-9:30. Call between 1:30-5:30, 984-4592.

Bookkeeping Assistant FT/PT, data entry & Accounts Payable experience needed. Fax resume to 813-949-6916.

Brookhaven Donuts, the “Star-bucks” of donuts, needs FT/PT help. Apply in person-2128 W. Brandon Blvd.

Clinical Research Coordinator FT position. Experience required. Stedman Clinical Trials. Fax re-sume to 813-971-0862.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT CENTERNetwork Area Worker (PT)–Transport clients on recreational outing, part-time, flexible evening hours, ideal for students who would like to get experience in the psychology field (Mental Health). Salary for PT is $7.70 per hour. Please forward resume or apply in person to: Northside Mental Health Center, Human Resources Dept, 12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa FL 33612 Fax (813)972-3886 EOE

COURTROOM MONITOR. Need availability of 7:30am-12:30pm M-F or 12:30pm-8:00pm M-F. 40wpm, $11/hr, will train. Fax resume and school schedule to 221-3215.

Delivery Driver/Bartender PT. Apply in person, Wings & Italian Things, 2263 E Bearss or call 971-2400.

Dental Assistant, experience preferred; good phone & clerical skills; 4 day week. Leave mes-sage, 813-390-1200.

Dental Surgical Assistant. Full time preferred. No exp necessary. Will train. (813)935-3585

DirectTV the nation’s #1 satellite service needs promotional team to give away free satellite TV sys-tems. Excellent income potential. Call 813-914-7600.

Dispatch/Customer Svc. Prefer dispatch exp. Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon 8pm-1am, $9/hr. For Fortune 500 Co, Brandon area. 651-4449

EDUCATION MAJORSSouth Tampa preschool hiring teachers and assistants. Please call 414-9990.

Enthusiastic, energetic student to work with child with autism. Would like someone with Bache-lors Degree (preferably in ED but not a must) that would work with my child in home program & shad-ow a few days at school. Need someone willing to be trained in ABA(Applied Behavior Analysis). Great pay & great child to work with. Kathy 866-5353.

Great Student Job!! Starting $7/hr + Great Bonuses. Work Part-time: 12-20/hrs a week. Flexible to your schedule. Large independent telephone system company in Carrollwood (Not sales). Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL Businesses. Have fun working in a low pres-sure, casual environment! Looking for great speaking voices! Will train! Leave Msg. (813)349-2110

Kumon Math & Reading Center of New Tampa. Math/Reading Assistants. Competent, reliable, self-motivated, multi-task person. Starting $8/hr. Some tests. Week-day afternoons. (813)907-8645

Lifeguard for childcare center needed. Mornings only, pay nego-tiable. Please contact Julia at 988-5595.

Multiple paid internship positions available, many diverse skill sets needed, visit for available positions.

MYSTERY SHOPPERSNEEDED! Get Paid to Shop! Flexible work from home or school. FT/PT Make own hours. (800)830-8066

Needed: Teachers for Judaic & Hebrew. Reform congregation. North Tampa. Sundays/Wednes-days. Mike 968-8511 or fax re-sume 960-8551.

Now hiring, $800-$1500/week. 813-980-6631

Office Assistant/Reader for Sr. Partner at prominent downtown law firm. Unique opportunity, looks great on resume, pre-law student preferred. Ability to multi-task im-perative. 20hrs/wk, $8/hr+parking. 3.3 GPA. 224.9000 x3402.

PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now.

Pinch A Penny, retail sales per-son. Will train. State Rd 41/Hwy 54-Lutz. 948-7665-Vic or Tina.

Political Volunteers needed for U.S. Congressional campaign. Please contact Meghan at or call 813-269-VOTE.

Professional, fun office environ-ment. Friendly, outgoing CSR’s needed. $8.50/hr, 401K, medical benefits. Urgent Office 988-0308.

PT Adm Ass’t needed. Flexible hours, 15-16 hrs/wk. Fax resume to 684-4129.

PT Bilingual Receptionist want-ed for a Family Practice Doctor. Call for details 813-505-2668.

PT office help, Optometrist office. 24+ hrs/week. No exp necessary. Citrus Park Mall. 813-679-1092

PT Switchboard/Receptionist$9/hr, evenings and weekends. Brandon area. 651-4449

Quickbooks Professional/Office Assistant needed PT for local company. Flexible hours. Call 813-914-7600.

Residence Inn by Marriott Sabal ParkSales & Service CoordinatorEntry Level Sales Position-PT/FTHotel Experience, Word, Excel, TeleprospectingFront Desk AgentExtremely Friendly, Self-MotivatedDay/Evening Shifts-PT/FT813-627-8855

SAT Tutors Needed in St. Pete. Pay $15-$20/hr. Will train. Call 727-381-9722.

South Pole Smoothies, Univ Mall hiring non-smoker. $7/hr+ tips. Weekends, experience required. P/U application @store.

SUMMER JOBS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Clean Water Action, one of the largest environmental orgs, has built a successful movement to protect the environment & democ-racy. Learn the basics of grass-roots organizing & fundraising. Work outdoors and believe in what you do! $370/wk, PT/FT. Call: (813)980-1221

Summer Warehouse HelpWarehouse Distribution Company has a full-time summer position in our shipping and receiving area. M-F 8:30am-5:30pm. $8.50/hour. Town and Country Industrial Park/Non-smoking facilities. Gulf Controls Company LLC 5201 Tampa West Blvd Contact Sara Buhr- 813)884-0471

Veterinary Clinic seeks Recep-tionist/Assistant to be available mornings, evenings, Saturdays in the summer. Call 988-8880.

Child Care

Nanny for 3mo weekly Mon & Wed beginning July 20th. West Chase area. 813-818-1887

Nanny Needed, College student preferred. Watch 3-children during Mom’s errands/appointments. PT 10-15hrs/wk, $60/wk. Interviews-call 980-0789.

Nanny PT, 6yo. Lutz area. Must have own transportation. Must have or willing to get CPR certifi-cation. 813-966-3542

Real Estate

1,2 & 3 BR CONDOMINIUMS & Townhomes in the USF, Temple Terrace, New Tampa area from $60,000. Call John V Simone at Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals 813-988-7355.

Condos for Sale USF, Temple Terrace from $70,000. Call Paul Noto, Universi-ty Realty, 813-977-0079 x115.

House for Sale Temple Terrace 3/2 w/den, new roof, fenced lot. Move-in ready $167,

Apts. & Houses for Rent

2 Bedrooms in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $450/$550/mo. 758-1668

2BR & 3BR Villas & Condos for rent. Call for our summer special. 813-731-7673

2BR/1BA 1200sf Garage Apt overlooking river in quiet Temple Terrace neigborhood. New carpet/paint. $900-includes elec-tric, water, basic cable. Available 7/10. 813-927-7117

2BR/2BA Condo for rent near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. From $675. 985-8718

Rental Apartment Servicewww.greenlinehousing.comCheapest apts/houses rental service in Tampa Bay Free listing until 9/7

Room available in 3BR/2BA Temple Terrace home. Computer room, game room, quiet neighbor-hood, big screen TV. $350/mo+ 1/3utilities. 813-310-4523

USF STUDENT SPECIALLarge 2BR/1BA, quiet neighbor-hood, from $545/mo+deposit. Charlott 813-985-3478 for USF students special.

Apts. & Houses to Share

1BR in 2BR/1BA Apt. 2/pools. Fit-ness rm. Laundry rm. USF/75 area. Female/student. Available now. $340/mo. 813-787-0399

Female Roommate Needed, 2BR $355/mo-includes water, cable, W/D, furnished. Near USF, Shuttle B/C. Arianie 766-8080

Female Roommate share fur-nished house. Close to campus. $440/mo-includes utilities, cable, internet. No pets. 1-352-241-9834

Female Roommate wanted to share 2BR/2BA apartment on shuttle route. Includes water, basic cable, W/D. Available imme-diately. $375/mo+1/2 electric. 813-843-9974

FEMALE WANTED to share 2BR/2BA apartment. USF’s shut-tle route. $347.50 + 1/2 electric. Priscila (407)579-3917

N/S Female share condo Tampa Palms, gated, alarm, W/D, pool, fitness, 1/2-utilities, $400/mo-1st & last security. 979-2627

Roommates needed on shuttle route. Large room-$400, small room-$330. Deposit, 1/3-utilites. Furnished/share bathroom. Call 610-1216.

Roommates needed to share 4BR/2.5BA house in New Tampa. Lots of amenities! $420/mo+utils. Call 813-728-5615.

USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732 Sublease

1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA-Female. August-July. Includes all utilities, high-speed internet. $400/month-willing to negotiate first month. 786-512-9742

Collegiate Hall lease-1BR/1BA of 4BR/4BA. Utilities included, fully furnished-$400/mo. Aug ’04-Jul ’05. Call Chris (813)545-5092.

Reflections Sublease ASAP-Aug. $400/mo. 1B/1B in 4B/4B. Fully furnished, all utilities, RR. 941-749-0017

For Sale/Miscellaneous

Digital Cameras from $10.00! Police seized property! For info call 1-800-747-9372, ext P217.


Bed $120, Queen P/top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

La-Z-Boy Power Recliner/Rock-er w/remote. Lovely deep maroon cloth. Like new. Retail $1,150, sell $600. 949-4894

Top Grain Italian Leather sofa & loveseat. New, still in plastic. $950. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Autos for Sale

’93 Acura Legend. Cold A/C, good condition. 166,000 miles, $3,500 OBO. 569-2000, ext 1200.

HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.