Classifieds 12/01
GRADUATING STUDENTS & ALUMNISTUDENT LOAN INTEREST RATES 2.82%Fix your variable interest rates now. Lowest interest rates in the history of the student loan program. Reduce your payments by 54%. FREE FEDERAL PROGRAMStart saving now. Call Direct Student Service of Fla, toll-free 866-859-4622.NEED CASH FAST?Sell your old sneakers!$5-$10 for sizes 8-9M’s or 10W’
Travel Opportunities
Spring Break 2004. Travel with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Operator to Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Information/Res-ervations 1-800-648-4849 or & Found
FOUND: Ladies Opal/Diamond Ring. Found on 11/25/03 by Cooper Hall. Call 905-4350.Service Offered
3D Animation Training in Visual Effects. Register today. Seating is limited. 813-221-6705. Discount w/student ID.Editing / Typing Dissertations / Thesis Resumes graduate special $99 Certified Writers 282-0011
FLORIDA INVENTORS NETWORKProtect Your Ideas! Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Raise $ Business Plans. (813)972-3815
Typing/Editing Services: Reports, Manuscripts, Thesis, Letters & Resumes Student Discounts Call Liz at 813-674-0125
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$7.00-$10.00/hourChoose Your ScheduleBanquets/CateringHoliday Work Little Experience NeededFree Server/Bar TrainingEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
Administrative Help: data entry, filing, faxing & customer service. Call 813-246-9088, ext 311.
Assistant Account ManagerApprox 25-30 hrs/wk. Please call James at 813-621-8866.
ATTENTION 21-34 YEAR MALES & FEMALES: Need 21-34 year olds to partici-pate in market research studies. You will be paid cash for your time. No food or beverage aller-gies. Please call Frank at 813-282-3793 or 1-888-671-5977 toll free.
ATTENTION 21-34 YEAR MALES & FEMALES: Need 21-34 year olds to partici-pate in market research studies. You will be paid cash for your time. No food or beverage aller-gies. Please call Frank at 813-282-3793 or 1-888-671-5977 toll free.
CSR’sCall today, start today. Average $10/hr. 6-10pm, Mon-Thurs. Call now. 969-2991
Find Great Part-Time and hourly positions at your favorite compa-nies! Call 877-845-6504 or visit
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Gray’s College Bookstore is now hiring temp employees. Fun environment, flexible schedule, employee discounts. Fill out an application on the corner of Bruce B Downs and Fletcher next to PetsMart. 971-2665
Ideal Student Job! FT/PT for enthusiastic students w/great phone skills. Involves speaking w/clients who are relocating. $7.50-$8.00/hr+bonuses. Contact Apartment Hunters 813-727-9754.
Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant now hiring Servers, Busers, Cooks. Located on the corner of BoyScout & Lois.
Louis Pappas Market Cafe now hiring all positions. Apply between 2-5pm, 14913 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Oak Ramble Plaza.
MAC Computer Tutor, MAC OSXv 10.2 operating system. Exchange for massage therapy. Professional massage therapist license #2922. 961-0559
Music Major/Teacher-basic in-struction in guitar/piano for 2 small children at our home near USF. 294-7879
Needed: Servers, Hosti, Kitchen Staff. Apply in person, Mon-Thurs, 2-4pm, 18+.J. Alexanders Restaurant913 Dale Mabry, 813-354-9006
PARALEGAL TRAINEEWill train, start as clerk. Fulltime, 8-5. Foreclosure/Bankruptcy. Re-quires good communication skills, typing and computer knowledge. Benefits. Opportunity for advance-ment. Excellent work environment. Close to USF, Sabal Park. For ap-pointment call 915-8660, fax re-sume to 915-0559.
PRODUCT SELECTOR, M-F, 4AM-Noon. Bilingual a +. Heavy lifting. $7/hr. DFWP. Email re-sumes to:
PT Flexible Black Jack dealing, Fri/Sat. Call 813-643-3897 M-F.
PT, M-F. Bookkeeping, general office, data entry & cust service. Carrollwood area. 813-963-5353
Spokesmodels $30+ hourly. Up-scale fashion shows/promotional work, 18 and up. Transportation a must. 941-761-3365
Tennis Court Maintenance Arbor Greene Community Center looking for PT help for the week-end morning shift. Start now or in Jan. Call 991-9741.
Tutor Wanted: for 8th grader in our home in Carrollwood area. $20/hr-Algebra I. 264-9252,
Child Care
Personal Assistant-working Mom with special needs child. Great ex-perience for Speech, Special Ed or Psychology major. After-school & weekend hours. Fax 908-0688.Apts. & Houses for Rent
$419-Campus Lodge Available Furnished 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Includes utilities/roadrunner/inter-net, W/D. $50 sign-on bonus. Steve (440)476-63921BR/1BA Sublease Available. W/D, utilities, cable, ethernet included, furnished, female. Breckenridge Apts. $445/mo. 813-979-9192
2BR/2BA, W/D, $710/mo. Water & cable included. Walking dis-tance to USF. (813)892-0387
Ashford Green 2/2, all app+W/D. Water/cable incld, $675-$700/mo, on shuttle route. University Realty, 977-0079 ext-117.
Avalon Heights Sublease 1BR in 4BR/4BA. $450/mo, $100/deposit-includes all utilities, fully furnished. Available immedi-ately. 948-1516
Boardwalk Sublease ASAP1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Available Now! $470/mo, utilities & furniture included. Call 727-244-8803.
BOARDWALK SUBLEASEFemales only. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Clean, study friendly environment. $465/mo. Available 1/1/04. 813-691-1229
Campus Lodge Sublease Female, furnished 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. $539/mo-includes utilit-ies/cable/internet. Available imme-diately-1st month free. (813)716-4995
Collegiate Hall Furnished 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. Utilities, W/D, cable included. $499/mo. Available in Dec/Jan. 813-866-9998
Collegiate Hall; sublease avail Dec 10, M/F. Incl private bath, W/D, all util. Neat/clean M/F room-mates. $399/mo. 813-679-8573
Collegiate Hall; sublease availa-ble ASAP. 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA. Unfurnished-private bath, W/D, all utilities. $450/mo. 813-972-4579
Furnished room for rent. In-cludes private bath, W/D, electric, cableTV, phone, pool/tennis. $135/wk. 903-8899, 310-6637
Jefferson Commons Sublease 1BR in 2BR/2BA, $456/mo utilities incld. Move in ASAP. 903-0126
Jefferson Commons Sublease- Female, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. All utilities included, $394/mo. Dec rent free. 813-293-9589
Nice quiet neighborhood. Fur-nished room for rent. Laundry area & fitness center accessible. Call 907-0154.
ROOM FOR RENT-Palm Lakes Apts. $300/mo-includes all bills. Available Now. 205-4422 or 679-7291. No chumps or thieves!
Sublease Avalon Heights Apts. Female for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. $510/mo. Fully furnished, utilities included. (813)691-2239
Sublease Dec 1st, Park Terrace, 2BR/2.5BA, $930/mo includes wa-ter, cable. Walking distance USF, W/D. 983-8154
T.T. Area, Unique 3BR/3BA HexaDome. 2 jacuzzis, applian-ces, wrap-around deck, large lot; trees. $1400. 293-3022
TEMPLE TERRACE. New Villa, 3BR, 2BA, 2CG, exterior maint pool. Lease w/purchase option. $1200/mo. 813-985-2406
Terrace Palms-50th St-across from campus, 2/2’s with&w/out W/D. Starting @$550/mo-water incld. University Realty 977-0079, ext-117.
The Oaks/North Oaks-1,2&3BR. All appliances+W/D, fireplaces. water/basic cable incld, from $600/mo. University Realty, 977-0079, ext-117.
Apts. & Houses to Share
BRECKENRIDGE SUBLEASE-Female, $430/mo, 1BR/1BA, all utilities, W/D, furnished, bullrun-ner, cable. Available: 12/10. (239)849-1932Female Roommate Needed ASAP. Condo near USF. $400/mo, everything included. Call 863-660-1950.
Female Roommate Wanted New Tampa House with swimming pool. $400/mo + utilities. Call 335-6296.
Female Roommate wanted. Cambridge Woods, 2BR/2.5BA, near USF. No pets. $378/mo+util-ities. Unfurnished. 813-972-3746, 813-748-6518.
Female, non-smoking room-mate, 2BR/2BA, furnished, W/D, basic cable, internet, 2miles/USF, $400/mo. Call 813-300-0457.
Student to share 2BR/1BA fur-nished condo one block from USF. Perfect condition, pool, ten-nis. $425/mo. 727-992-4517
Sublease Breckenridge Apts. Male for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, $440/mo. Furnished, utilities in-cluded. 941-628-0280
TWO AVALON HEIGHTS SUB-LEASES. January 1st-July 31st in 4BR/4BA. All utilities, fully furnish-ed, $495/mo. $220 deposit. Call Kirsten @(352)636-9663
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Brand new full-size mattress set, still in factory plastic. Must sell. $98. (813)251-3134Queen pillow-top mattress set, new in plastic with warranty. $140, can deliver. (813)251-3134
Autos for Sale
1992 Honda Prelude. Red, A/C, power windows, sun-roof, alloy wheels. $4,200. 813-390-71432000 Kia Sephia-LS. Auto, Black, tinted windows, power doors, ex-cellent condition, 61,000 miles, $3,350. 813-625-1178
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.
Complete Computer center-633MHZ, 64MB-Ram, 15MBHD, DVD, 17″-Monitor, Cannon color-Printer, Scanner, 30×60 maple Desk-$400. Call (813)978-3988.Complete Computer system w/19″ monitor, B/W printer, speak-ers, DVD, CD Burner, 30gbHD. $350/OBO. Call 495-7125.