Paper 10-20
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Kill Bill is not your average children’s movie
Kill Bill Vol. 1 is playing in theaters nationwide, and if you believe what some people have to say about it, it will be the...
Smith & Wesson marketing tactics could backfire
Smith & Wesson is now selling 8-ounce martini glasses with swirled aqua and copper coloring that are, surprisingly, not intended for target practice. Smith &...
Classifieds 10/20
AnnouncementsBarbara McLay M.A., will present “Study Smart: Managing Your Time For Better Results” Monday, October 20, 2003 in SVC 2126, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Call the Counseling...
Photo of the Day 10/20
Christian Toleque delivers a punishing kick to Roy C. Phillippy during Shin Do Kumate IV in the Special Events Center on Saturday night. Toleque won...