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Letters to the Editor

A love for Anime does not make a geek
Re: “Pseudo-geeks desire cartoons,” Scene, Oct. 9

Let me get this straight: People who like watching Japanese animation are geeks?

Why is that? Because we watch animation? What would we be called if we watched regular movies? I love Japanese animation. I don’t miss class for Dragon Ball Z, but I don’t like missing an episode. Is that any different from someone who likes watching MTV’s The Real World?

Furthermore, Japanese animation is not a genre, as you so dumbly characterized it. Japanese animation is another way for Japanese filmmakers to express themes such as romance, comedy, love, action and even sex.

So you say, “With all due respect to fans of this big-eyed genre, when I watch cartoons, I expect to take a break from reality. Preferably a funny break from reality.” Well, how about you find some funny “Japanimations?” I’m sure there are thousands.

Don’t classify animation as something small because you’ve only known about it for six months. The next time you want to speak on something, why don’t you research it instead of making uninformed statements?

Tyrone Adams is a junior majoring in biology.

Parking tickets should not be given

I know this topic has been repeated a thousand times, but I don’t think it will ever be resolved.

The dilemma with parking has been a strain on many wallets, mine included. I was told that as the year went on, parking would not be much of a problem, but I don’t see it resolving anytime soon. It is months into the semester and I still see cars with the scarlet-lettered ticket.

Students should not have to worry about certain parking areas or paying meters if they have already invested $135 for a permit.

I think students who live on campus should park in a designated area such as “Park ‘N’ Ride.” No offense to resident students, but USF has a large population of commuter students; this seems to be the only reasonable resolution. In many aspects Residents on campus will disagree with my idea, but I do not see a better answer.

I am also adamantly against clamps being put on cars. I don’t see the lesson in it. The “meter men” bring pure hatred on themselves.

The goal of their job, in a nutshell, is to see how many lives they can ruin in one day. They should help resolve the problem instead of issuing fines. It seems as if USF is sucking the money out of their students more and more as the days go on. If it were up to me, I would get rid of the meter maids, construct new parking for students living on campus, and find other ways for the university to earn money aside from wrongful parking citations.

Farnaz Adibi is a freshmanmajoring in pre-med.

Catholic Church does not represent all
Re: “Muslims do not shun scientific progress”

I understand the point made by the author concerning the scientific accuracy of the Quran. However I feel that using Christianity as an opposite example is unfair.

The author stated, “Scientists have yet to outdate the Quran, unlike Christianity, where Copernicus and Da Vinci discovered the arrangement of the heavenly bodies and undermined the authority of the Church.”

To have a discussion concerning the accuracy of the Quaran regarding scientific accuracy and then use the geocentric dogma of the Catholic Church is unfair.

This assumes that the Bible must portray this same teaching, which is not true. The geocentric philosophy of the Catholic Church had no Biblical basis. It was only the opinion of religious leaders at that time.

Brett Frazier is a freshman medical student.

Self Destrucyhjghjghjhgjkhg Disposable DVDs will catch on soon
Re: “Disposable DVDs offeralternative to rentals” Oct. 7.

The disposable DVDs, reviewed on Oct. 9, sound like they could be a really good deal. Most people nowadays have DVD players, and these disposable discs could be a really big product. Everybody hates it when they find out that their movie is late and they have to pay late charge. These disposable DVDs will eliminate the consumer’s worry about getting the movie back on time, losing it or breaking it. I don’t think, however, that these will be a big hit just yet. They have to be out on the market for a while, and large movie companies need to make use of them. The price of the disposable DVD will need to drop, too, to about $3-5. The biggest factor will be whether video rentals will jump on this product; if they do, it will be a huge success.

Jamie Leavitt is a freshman in pre-business.