Classifieds 10/01
CALL FOR ENTRIESUniversity Film & Video Association is seeking student music videos for its 3rd Annual Student Music Video Contest to be held Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 7pm in the Special Events Center.
For more information or to down-load the rules and entry form, check out our website: Or Contact Rodrick at
Fraternities – SororitiesClubs – Student GroupsEarn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our free programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact Cam-pusFundraiser at (888)923-3238, or visit
Spirituality 101Final Exam $25,000Open Book Contest On Papers 141-187 of The Urantia Book For Details please visitwww.eventodaward.comService Offered
Belly Dance Lessons in USF area. For more information please call Amani 813-983-8040 or Rent Video Games Online! Only $15.99/mo. Promocode-GL8162. Rent Movies Online! Only $8.95/mo. Promo-code-PRC15DF549.
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$800 Weekly Guaranteed, stuffing envelopes. Send self ad-dressed stamped envelopes to Scarab Marketing, 28 E. Jackson, 10th Floor, Suite 938, Chicago IL 60604.
Accounting/Bookkeeping position, FT/PT, Tampa based company. Exp necessary. Excel-lent pay and benefits. Send resume to PO Box 17559, Tampa 33682-7559.
Bartender Trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local posi-tions. 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535.
Children’s Teacher Needed. Male/Female with sports and/or dance skills. Position available now! Call 909-1169.
Civil Engineers Naples, FL. Work in site, highway and utility design. Excellent benefits. E-mail resume to:
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Hiring Servers, cheerful per-son, experience not necessary but helpful. Flexible hours. Circles Restaurant South Tampa location. 879-5228
Hostess for promotional events. Earn $125 per day. Central FL. Travel required. Call 813-655-5555.
Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant is now hiring Servers. Please ap-ply between 2-4pm, corner of Boy Scout & Lois.
Marketing Student Intern-ship involving product photogra-phy, writing. Interested in expand-ing duties. Email resume to:
Mature detail-oriented sales associate for bridesmaid dept. $8.50 + commission. Sat 10-6, Sun noon-6 & some weekdays 11-8. Call 813-931-4321.
Nanny needed PT, Lutz, 4-8:30, Mon-Fri. Clean record, references. 269-4954
Part-time Laboratory posi-tion available in VA research de-partment. Science major prefer-red. No experience necessary. $7.00/hr, 10-20 hrs/week. Call Suzanne at (813)972-2000 x7126.
Part-time positions at Uni-versity Square Mall kiosk Oct-Dec. Fun, collegiate product with flexi-ble hours. Neat appearance and outgoing attitude a must. Retail experience helpful. Email resumes to
Pool Table Installation, PT/FT. Must have reliable truck or van. $9/hr-min. 727-418-6906
PT Flexible Black Jack dealing, Fri/Sat. Call 813-643-3897 M-F.
PT Optometrist’s Recep-tionist/Assistant. Seffner of-fice, afternoons, early evenings, most Saturdays 9:30-2:30. Call 681-4433 between 10:30-3:00.
Receptionist FT/PT, Mon-Fri, $7.50 to start. Call Suzie at 813-627-8898 or
Receptionist/Customer Service Position: PT: Weekends, Sat 10AM-5PM, Sun Noon-4PM. Light office duties included. $10/hr. Complete an ap-plication between the hours of 8AM-5PM, Mon-Fri at Blue Haven Pools, 14926 N Florida Ave, Tam-pa, 813-265-6600. Located near I-275 and Florida Ave.
Runner/Researcher, needed for commercial real estate firm in S.Tampa/Hyde Park area. Flexible hours, competitive pay. Computer skills nec. Transportation a must. Pls fax resume Attn: D. Beshears/ J. Fiebotte, 813-254-0193.
SALES/MKTG REP Natl leader in Electro-med devices seeks inside sales rep to make phone sales presentations directly to physicians. Progressive enviro. 1st yr potential $60K to $75K. Resumes to or fax 813-915-9427.
Self-motivated, responsi-ble, unsupervised individuals needed for appointment setting. If we have to Baby-Sit you, Do Not Apply! Call Dave 941-713-0895.
Spanish Native Speaker for intermediate lessons. St. Pete, $20/hr. Email:
Telemarketing, Wesley Chapel Mortgage Co. No selling. Salary + bonus. Evenings. Call George at 994-9200.
Child Care
Mother’s Helper needed for 3yo & 5mo. Evenings/weekends, $10/hr. Venetian Isles, St.Pete. Please contact Cheri O’Neil 813-787-5669(cell), 727-526-0393 (home) or, mature N/S, drug free female w/own transpor-tation to pick up children 4-12, Mon-Fri & give homework help in my home 4-7pm. Availability to babysit eves & weekends also necessary. Please fax resume & 4 references to 813-909-7023. Must submit to background check & drug test. $20/hr.
Apts. & Houses for Rent
Avalon Heights Sublease, Female, 1BR in furn 3BR/3BA. $520/mo includes everything. Available now. 561-487-1196Boardwalk. Fantastic loca-tion, 1BR/1BA, $450 includes ev-erything. October’s rent free. Available now. 813-956-5073 or 352-361-5619.
Collegiate Hall Sublease Female, 4BR/4BA, $399/mo in-cludes utilities. 1st month free. Available ASAP. 615-9612
Condo, 42nd St, close to USF. Beautiful furnished 2BR/1.5BA. NEW carpet, tile, appliances in-cluding W/D. $700/mo. 1 month free rent. 716-1584
Condos for rent-Ashford Green & Bavarian Village near USF on Bull Run route. 2BR/2BA, from $675. W/D+more. 985-8718
DISCOUNT RENT. The Oaks-on 46th St-walking distance from USF. 2BR/2BA, W/D, water/cable incld, new appliances. $700/mo. 813-268-5300
Female 1BR in 3BR/3BA Townhouse. Walking distance from USF in Park Terrace. $282/mo. Shannon (813)240-6042
Seminole Heights Efficien-cy. Convenient, 5miles from USF. $350/mo, 1/3 utilities, $200/dep. References a must. 231-2065
Sublease Breckenridge 3BR/3BA, furnished, individual lease, W/D. $430/mo, utilities in-cluded. Moving out October 1st. 866-9399
Take over lease thru May, 3BR/2BA townhouse. $999/mo in-cludes utilities & cable. Call Kim 731-6932.
USF STUDENT SPECIAL-Large 2BR/1BA, quiet neighbor-hood, $545/mo(regularly)+depos-it. Call Charlott 985-3478 for USF students special.
Walk to Class! The Oaks, 46th St. 2BR/2BA, W/D, water & cable included, fireplace, screened patio. Available now. $700/mo. 813-263-2879
Apts. & Houses to Share
1BR/1BA available for rent in New Tampa home. Screened lanai w/pool. $400+ 1/2 utilities. 813-625-1699Female Roommate Wanted to sublease ASAP until Jan 31st, N/S. Close to USF. 903-0826
Female Roommate wanted. 3 Bedrm, 3 Bath Townhome, New Tampa. No pets. (813)907-1482, (727)207-9488, (727)744-4606.
Female Roommate wanted. Cambridge Woods, 2BR/2.5BA, near USF. $378/mo-plus utilities. Unfurnished. Call 813-972-3746 or 813-748-6518.
Female seeks roommate to share home. Room available for immediate occupancy. Grad student/professional preferred. 813-833-2406
Roommate for unfurnished room. $300/mo includes utilities, $100 deposit. Carrollwood area. 765-8147
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Loft Bed Plans, Kits, built or installed. From $40 on up! 813-760-3386Furniture
Back-Saver Alpha Metal Recliner, Black/Chrome. Altinate in zero gravity. New $1200, asking $650. 935-6869, 334-1114Bedroom Set for Sale. Queen mattress, computer desk with chair and dresser. $150/OBO. Shannon (813)240-6042
Autos for Sale
’95 Nissan 200 SX. Great condition, 85K, Silver, Auto, A/C, 33mpg. $5,000 OBO. 813-334-5988HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.