Parking spaces to be added during construction on campus

USF Parking and Transportation Services is attending to concerns of the parking spaces available on campus in ratio to the growing student population.

Greg Sylvester, director of Parking and Transportation Services, said USF is in the process of expanding the parking lots to increase student parking spaces.

“Lot 35 is having 200 resident spaces added to it. It will be done by fall 2003,” Sylvester said.

Lot 35 is located at the intersection of Maple and East Holly drives.

Other construction projects include the intercollegiate athletic facility, which is taking place in parking lots, located north of the Sun Dome.

“Lot 39B (the old Village lot) is becoming a retention pond, but the Village housing is gone, and 225 Greek resident spaces have been built with the Greek housing project. It will also be done by fall 2003,” Sylvester said.

Since April 5, the north end of Resident Lot 5E has been closed as part of the Maple Suites construction project. Sylvester said this project will allow for more student living and additional parking spaces.

USF is adding about 200 resident parking spaces, which are to be built with the Maple II housing project. This project will be complete by fall 2004.

According to the Web site, a majority of the expansion projects are occurring in the busiest commuter and resident parking lots. For a detailed list of parking lots open for use, visit the Parking and Transportation Web site: