Puzzle Solution 3/18
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Photo of the Day 3/19
Oracle/DOUG DESPRESUSF quarterback Ronnie Banks attempts a pass to Elgin Hicks Tuesday during the Bulls’ first spring practice. Banks is attempting to replace four-year starter...
Classifieds 3/19
AnnouncementsChristine Cotter, Ed.D., will present”Getting The Most Out Of Your Textbooks”Thursday, March 20th, in SVC 2126, 11 a.m.-noon. Call the Counseling Center, 974-9316 for more...
Bright Futures could take new role
New proposals for the Bright Futures program could come at a cost to Florida universities.A draft submitted by the Higher Education Finance Proposal Committee in...
Austen career high carries Bulls
A pessimistic David Austen did not feel good before USF’s game against Army. Throwing a career-high 11 strikeouts was the farthest thing from his mind,...