Letters to the Editor 1/21
Hinn’s revival is less than healing
They came in droves, carting their handicapped children up to the grassy altar of Benny Hinn’s newest circus tent revival, our USF Sun Dome.
We should have seen it coming. Carried on by the ranting voices of two holiness preachers, the Holy Spirit was moving through campus all week.
Like Moses to the Red Sea, dividing students with their condemnations and warnings. “We’re right, you’re wrong.” “We’re good, you’re evil.” “We’re going to spend eternity in ‘Happy, fun magic land’ while you burn in hell.”
What their message lacked in articulation, it certainly made up for with imagery. But is this the message of a loving God? To the people who lined up outside our Sun Dome on Thursday, it is.
They carried their crippled and mangled. They stood there in line, bones aching, backs still sore from the eight-hour drive in one of the dozens of cramped church vans that lined the streets of our campus.
They prayed that Hinn might spew some of God’s healing power past his shiny teeth and into their souls where their sins caused illness and pain. They prayed that God’s healing light might reflect off of some of Hinn’s jewelry and blast away their sickness, make their legs new and carry them into the promised land.
After it was over and Hinn was done grinding the organ, they dragged their bodies home sicker and poorer than when they arrived. I felt ashamed walking past those sheep who had willingly lined up to get into the slaughterhouse that used to be our Sun Dome.
It made me realize that this school and Hinn answer to the same God — money.
Stephen C. Bedell is a sophomore majoring in political science.
Actors allow people to see other views
In his Thursday letter to the editor, Mark Laps argued that Hollywood actors and actresses do not have a place publicly expressing their views because they lack authority.
However, I would like to point out to Mr. Laps that the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan, was an actor and then-president of the Screen Actor’s Guild before becoming governor of California.
I myself do not consider President Reagan to be a liberal. However, Laps somehow believes that the actor-turned-politician is a liberal disease.
I have worked as an advocate for people with HIV/AIDS, and for us, it was always important that when we had an event we tried to invite celebrities to come. With celebrities comes airtime, newspaper articles and exposure.
While I agree with you that people should be reasonably educated and qualified before running for political office, celebrities know that their exposure gives people a chance to see another point of view.
Stacey M. Kahn is a senior majoring in biology.
Discrimination against disabled shouldn’t happen
I strongly agree with the Thursday editorial regarding the disabled high school student who wants to participate in the Polk County Youth Fair.
He should be allowed to participate in the event. It is a shame that the board members have to have a meeting to reach a decision. It should not have gone this far.
His past experiences show that he is not a liability and that he is more than capable to participate in the event. He should have the same rights as everyone else.
This is just another form of discrimination, and it is a shame that this is still going on today and so close to Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. King fought for equal rights, not just for African Americans, but for all Americans, and this includes the disabled.
Tiffany La Croix is a junior majoring in psychology.