Discrimination charges unfounded
This weekend, a Miami-Dade Community College professor filed a complaint against American Idol for age discrimination. He claims the show discriminates against people older than 24 and thinks it is unfair that he could not audition.
This suit is yet another example of the abuse of law that people try to take advantage of. Hopefully, Florida and national judges will agree that the claim is absurd and that when an organization makes rules, they are often meant for a useful and distinct purpose, not discrimination. Drew Cummings, a 50-year-old visiting professor from Miami-Dade, said he was turned away from the Nov. 2 American Idol tryout in Miami Beach because he was too old.
However, it appears that when he went, he did not bother to research the rules of the contest. Had he done so, he wouldn’t have made the trip at all. American Idol is a contest. It develops the rules for its contest and selects a winner based on who abides by those rules.
Part of the rules for this contest include age. Contestants must be no older than 24. Last year, a contestant was eliminated from the show after lying about his age to qualify. American Idol is about finding talented singers. However, the creators chose to only open the contest to people no older than 24. That is their prerogative, and state and national officials should recognize that, as well.
Cummings should realize he violated the show’s rules. As a contest, American Idol is expected to have rules, and people can’t expect to qualify for every single contest that is offered.
If American Idol is seeking a certain age group, perhaps Cummings should spend his time lobbying for a spin-off that allows people of all ages to participate instead of filing complaints.