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Start your own Fraternity! Zeta Beta Tau is looking for men to start a new Chapter. If you are interested in academic success, a chance to network and an opportunity to make friends in a non-pledging Brotherhood, email: or call 800-431-9674.

Travel Opportunities

BAHAMASPRINGBREAK$189.00 5-Days/4-Nights$239.00 7-Days/6-Nights

Prices include:Accommodations on the island at one of ten resorts(your choice). Round-trip luxury cruise with food.


Book Early For Best Selection!

Florida’s ONLY 4 & 5 Night SPRING BREAK packages. Student Express #1 parties in Cancun with exclusive appearances by DJ SKRIBBLE and SHAGGY!! Spring Break on another level!! Reliable Air and Hotel. From $439! or 800-787-3787 for details.

SPRING BREAK CANCUN with STS Americas #1 Student Tour Operator. Groups save up to $120 per room. On-campus contact Jennifer Provenzano @ 813-966-4481 STS @ 1-800-648-4849

SPRING BREAK INSANITY! Or Call 1-800-327-6013Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Free Drinks/ Meals / Trips. Our Seventeenth Year! Reps Wanted!

Service Offered

Eye Exams, Eyeglasses,Contact lenses, USF discounts. Walk-ins welcome. For-Eyes Optical 2201 E. Fowler Avenue 813-972-1573

MOBILE DETAILINGWe come to you! Quick, thorough service starting at $50.00. Detailers wanted. 956-3308

Term Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Transcribing, Editing, Manuscripts, APA/MLA formats, $4/DS page. HSS Inc. 282-0011

Help Wanted

$250/day potential/ Bartending Training provided 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535

Accounting Assistant for local CPA firm near USF. 10-20 hrs/week, flexible. Fax resume to 988-1815.

ATTENTION VW Beetle Drivers, get $1600+ for putting an ad on your VW 4 Nat’l Beverage Co. Get free product,CD’s,& T-shirts! Refer Beetle drivers & get $100. Call 1-866-245-3237 ext. 207.

Bilingual a plus. Multiple FT/PT tax office positions. No experience required. Any major. Call 980-3689.

CAMPUS REPS needed for new energy drink. Feb thru end of semester ($500). Outgoing w/marketing savvy. Letter of introduction plus resume to

Cleaning Shift Assistant PT. Detailed cleaning of clinical facilities, equip & supplies following patient visits. Works w/other clinical staff. Rotates to all 3 facilities-Brandon, South & North Tampa. 5-11pm, Fri/Sat/Sun. Good healthcare advancement opportunity. Call Kelley 775-4009, Fax: 622-7589, Email:

Construction Receptionist. Work with school schedule. Computer, phones, filing. $8.00 per hour. (813)626-4052, fax resume.

Doctor’s office help needed PT/FT, Mon-Fri. Must have car. Fax resume to 813-985-3045.

EDUCATION MAJORSS.Tampa Preschool hiring assistants. M-F, T/Th morning positions. Some afternoon hours available. 414-9990

Ideal Student Job! Work Part-Time 9-20 hrs/wk M-F 8:30-12, or 1-5 (flexible to your schedule) for independent telephone system company in Carrollwood. Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL businesses (NO SALES). Low pressure, casual environment. Looking for great speaking voices. Starts at $7/hr + Bonuses! Leave Msg. (813)349-2122.

Immediate Job Openings. Sales, $10/hr+, Mon-Fri, no weekends or nights. 813-889-0578, ask for Richard.

Interested in a FUN Part-Time Job? Downtown Research Firm seeking Client/admin Assistants. Flexible hours, great pay! Will work around your classes. Call Tiffany today! 226-1800

Junior or Senior Marketing major needed PT. Outgoing personality a must for developing and implementing inter/business relationships. Florida Home Care Inc. 813-222-2273

Multiple FT/PT tax office positions. No experience required. All availabilities accepted. Any major. Call 987-2199.

New Year/New Career. Have fun while making up to $40/hr. PT hours, FT pay. Close to USF. Easy money. Call now. 676-2020

Now hiring fun, energetic sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. Sales or cust svc exp pref. University Mall. FT/PT. Hourly+commission. Call Chris 727-643-2220.

Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experience preferred, willing to train right individual. 972-1573

Property Attendant. Must work from 9:00PM until 5:00AM. Apply at: Windridge Apartments, 14301 Bruce B Downs Blvd. No calls please.

PT Front Desk/Receptionist Tues/Thurs, 8:30am-5:30pm. Fast paced, high volume office. Fax resume to 676-1980.

PT-Sports Promotion Co seeking individuals for various events in the Tampa Bay area. Website design experience a plus. 10-20/hrs/week, $10/hr. 269-9549

Tampa Prep seeking Track Coach. Call Carol at 251-8481 Ext. 4075.

Teller Position Available – 1 Parttime – Must be Flexible. Monday through Friday and some Saturdays. Near USF. Fax resume 813-349-4745 or email or Call 813-349-4580. Terrace Bank -EOE

TuscaBella Grill & Patio Bar now hiring experienced hosts, servers & bartenders, dinner only. 9212 Anderson Rd next to AMC movies. Apply between 3-5 Mon-Thurs.

Valet Parking Attendants needed. Looking for responsible, athletic people, FT/PT. Earn $8-$12/hr. Clearwater. 727-726-2004

Wing Zone-Now Hiring. Delivery Drivers, Cooks & Phone People needed. Call Parker 877-251-2991.

WRITERS: National automotive magazine wants you! Creativity a must! Call 813-673-8855, Fax 813-673-8875,

Child Care

Nanny, in-home 10-15 hrs/wk. $8/hr. Regular schedule. 2 evenings, 1 daytime. 961-1546

Seeking Babysitter for Mon, Tues & Thurs. Must be dependable, have reliable transportation & strong references. Call 903-0207.

Apts. & Houses for Rent

Breckenridge Sublease 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $420/mo includes all utilities except phone. Need sublease ASAP! 476-2981

Collegiate Hall Sublease. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, fully furnished, includes utilities, internet service, cable. $430, price negotiable. Nancy, 941-488-7219 or 813-971-9369.

Jefferson Commons 1BR/1BA of 4BR/4BA. Paid utilities, with kitchen. 6 months lease, $400/mo. Call 941-727-7599.

Lutz Executive glass house. 3BR/2BA, 2800sf, pool/spa, waterfront, nice, private, quiet, no pets. $1900/mo. 813-949-3228

Reflections Sublease Dec-Aug. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, furnished, cable, W/D, utilities included. $350/mo, price negotiable. 679-4567

Apts. & Houses to Share

$300/mo + 1/3phone. Female roommate needed ASAP. Townhome in Excellence Apts. Call Regine 980-3678.

Female roommate, non-smoker, 6 months only. $250/mo + 1/2 utilities. 361-8106

Furnished room. 5minutes to U.S.F. Prefer Male. $320 Monthly. Clean, quiet, no smoking. Marian 453-5749

Roommate needed 4 nice, fully furn apt. Walk/bike or shuttle 2 campus. Guy/Gal. $300+1/2 util. No dep. Contact Ray @503-9966.

Roommate wanted for house in Temple Terrace. Graduate student preferred. $400/mo includes utilities. 914-8606

Share large Temple Terrace house. No pets. $275/mo + utilities. 810-5149

Spacious 2BR/2BA to share, semi-furnished, access to B&C shuttle, excellent neighborhood, non-smoker, $355/mo, ASAP. 813-598-5793

For Sale/Miscellaneous

COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES!Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Shipping, handling and taxes calculated.

Autos for Sale

HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.


New Compaq Resario 1235. 3.81gb, ram 96.omb, 56k modem, Windows 98, 1-yr warranty. $600+ tax, up to 4 weekly payments. 880-9678