Life or death decision

Ever since President George W. Bush made known his intentions about a possible war against Iraq, USF students have made their feelings about the issue clear and tonight USF professors will do the same in a forum titled “War on Iraq?”

Freshman Leena Al-Arian organized the forum, which will begin at 6:30 in the Phyllis P. Marshall Center Ballroom.

Professors from departments such as political science, philosophy and governmental affairs and international studies will from a group of panelist to share their perspective about the possible war efforts.

The Alliance of Concerned Students, College Democrats, Students for International Peace and Justice, The Religious Studies Club and other student organizations sponsored the event.

Philosophy professor Michael Gibbons said it seems some people are supportive of the war only because they think it will be a “clean war,” one with few American casualties.

“Many Americans think ‘war’ in abstract terms, not that American soldiers will die,” Gibbons said.

Although Iraq is allowing the United Nations to check for weapons, Gibbons said that there is still a possibility of war.

“It sounds from what Bush has said publicly in his speeches that he is very committed to going to war,” Gibbons said.

He said he expects Iraq won’t be forthcoming in terms of inspection because in the past Iraq’s cooperation has been dismal.