Classifieds 11/12
Experience Rome/Athens/Florence/Greek Isles this July, earn 3 credits. All-inclusive, 13 days under $2,000! Send name/address to for application/information.Fraternities – SororitiesClubs – Student GroupsEarn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact CampusFundraiser at (888)923-3238, or visit
Travel Opportunities
#1 Spring Break Vacations! 110% Best Prices! Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, Florida, Texas. Book Now & Receive Free Parties & Meals. Campus Reps Wanted! 1-800-234-7007endlesssummertours.comBAHAMASPRINGBREAK$189.00 5-Days/4-Nights$239.00 7-Days/6-Nights
Prices include:Accommodations on the island at one of ten resorts(your choice). Round-trip luxury cruise with food.
Book Early For Best Selection!
June ’03 Europe-10/days. Amsterdam, Brussels, Cologne, London and Paris. All meals, transportation and tour guides-813-655-4391.
Spring Break 2003 with STS Americas #1 Student Tour Operator Sell Trips earn cash Travel Free Information/Reservations1-800-648-4849 or
Spring Break! Bahamas Party Cruise $299, Cancun & Jamaica From $429, Florida $159! 1-800-678-6386
Service Offered
MOBILE DETAILINGWe come to you! Quick, thorough service starting at $50.00. Detailers wanted. 956-3308WRITING ASSISTANCEFormer instructor with Ph.D. specializing in term papers, dissertations ESL. 988-0056 or 215-3403.
Help Wanted
$250/day potential/ Bartending Training provided 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535$8-10/hrBanquets/CateringFT/PT Little Experience NeededFree Training Begin Holiday Work Now! EliteHospitalityProfessionals 813-866-3830
$800/Weekly Guaranteed, stuffing envelopes. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Oakdale Enterprises, 1151 North State St, Suite 231, Chicago IL 60610.
Above ground pool/billiard installers. $100/day. Truck, tools helpful. 977-8970
Applicants Wanted to study Part IV of The Urantia Book EARN $25,000. For details Visit
ATTN: STUDENTS$11.25 base/apptScholarships/Internships, PT/FT, conditions apply, ASAP.813-936-1122www.workforstudents.comnp
Bartenders needed, no experience required. Earn up to $250/ day. Call 866-291-1884, ext U6.
Chinese Language Tutor. Native Mandarin speaker with patience to watch over and teach Chinese to 3-1/2yo, PT in Carrollwood area. Must have references. Send to: Mr. Hamilton, 8910 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, #10, 33614.
Earn a Masters Degree in making money. PT hours, FT pay. Close to USF. Easy money. Earn up to $40/hr. Call now. 676-2020
Earn Extra $$ over the holidays! Childcare center E. Tampa seeks PT teachers & substitutes; exp working w/young children req’d; EOE; Call 627-4242;
ENERGETIC-PEOPLE WANTEDHighly motivated, dependable, high-energy, people oriented type. Flexible hours. Earn $400-$600/weekly. Kyle 997-9999.
Esthetician for busy medical office, immediate openings. Call for details, 933-6060.
Front & back office w/computer knowledge. Excellent English. PT/FT in busy doctor’s office. Fax resume to 875-9520 w/salary requirements.
Get Paid For Your Opinions!Earn $15-$125 and more per survey!
IDEAL STUDENT JOB! Salesman wanted. Salary + commission. Work around your schedule. Talking to professors on the USF campus. Call Nap @971-2665.
IMAC 700, 10.2 operating system. Tutoring needed. Exchange for body work by professional massage therapist, Lic #2922. 961-0559
Law firm looking for part-time file clerk/runner. Flexible hours. Call 228-0095.
Marketing intern, ad design, placement & evaluation. Also inbound customer support. Flexible 20-30hrs/wk.
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experience preferred, willing to train right individual. 972-1573
Preschool needs schoolage teacher, 2-6, M-F. 988-5595, ask for Miss Rhonda or Miss Julia.
PT Computer Technician needed for hardware & software support & digital imaging. Computer repair & Windows 98/2000, Office 2000, digital imaging/scanning experience beneficial. Call Kennan or Karen 224-9000.
PT File Clerk for Engineering firm on Fowler Ave. $8/hr. Call 813-971-3882, ext 233.
PT Front Office, Dermatology S. Tampa. Flexible hours. Please fax resume to 813-251-6415.
ReceptionistBusy medical practice has immediate openings for FT/PT. Call for details, 933-6060.
Serious Wealth for someone serious about making money. 1-888-292-5765
SLP-CCC/CFY-Pediatric Focus. PT w/FT possible. Flexible Schedule. Fax resume to 813-657-7972.
Soils Lab Assistant for engineering firm, P/T. Engineering or geology major preferred. HSA, 4019 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, Florida 33617, 971-3882.
TIME Customer Service, Inc An AOL Time Warner Company
Part-time telephone customer service representatives needed for our 30th Street office. Answer inbound calls to provide service to customers of some of the world’s most popular magazines, including TIME, PEOPLE, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, ESSENCE, and many more! Work 20-30 hours each week, days and hours are flexible, 8:30AM-2:30PM or 1:30PM-7:30PM. Must be available to attend a 3-week paid training class. Competitive salary, plus performance and sales bonuses! Apply today at 3000 University Center Drive (10419 N. 30th St., between Fowler and Busch). For directions, call 979-6833. EOE/AA.
Wanted-excellent computer skills, marketing and/or real estate experience a plus. Fax resume to (813)884-5005 or email
Child Care
Babysitter needed weekend of Nov 22-Nov 24. Would prefer Ed or Psych major. 1 child, special needs/autistic. 813-335-0149Babysitter Needed. Grace Lutheran Church hiring reliable, loving caregivers for occa-sional AM/PM bible study nurseries. $7.50/hr-cash. Call Shelly 238-3969.
Responsible person for 19/mo/boy, Thursday afternoons 2-5pm. $10/hr+driving. Valrico home. Exp preferred, references required. 651-9064
Real Estate
Foreclosure 3BR/2BA, $20,000. For listings 800-319-3323, ext F341.Lake Morley Estates 3/2, new kitchen, custom cabinets, CHA, new carpet, minutes to USF. 842-2218
Raintree Manor Townhouse 2BR/1.5BA. New carpet & wood floor, garage, outdoor patio, pool & tennis courts. $85,000. 813-985-2111
Temple Terrace Condo. $500/down-$650/mo. You own it. Gated community on Hillsborough River. Remodeled 2BR/2BA, 56th & Puritan. W/D, covered parking-water/sewer/trash/cable-included. 813-972-3222
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1BR in Big/Nice 2/2 near USF. Fully Furnished/Equipped w/25in-TV/cable/RR-Everything included except phone. <$500. Sublease-Jan1st(neg). (813)866-8316Beautiful 1BR, new carpet/ceramic, CHA, 1/2 mile USF/VA Hospital, $435/mo. 971-3909
Breckenridge Sublease Female, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. Extensive utilities, furnished, shuttle, reduced app fee, $440/mo. 760-3046
Breckenridge Sublease1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, fully furnished, includes utilities, ethernet, cable. $420/mo. 361-0374
Campus Lodge Sublease, 9-months. Fully furnished, high-speed internet, olympic-size pool, $449/mo-includes everything. In-credible amenities! 678-300-0955
Move into Enclave Village Apt #16527, 2BR/2BA, 1270sf, 11/16-12/01 & receive an additional $200 cash besides current month off from apartment complex. Call 910-1734 for additional info.
Move-in now for free! No rent due until Dec 1st. Sublease Boardwalk. All female-all inclusive. Call 813-956-7203, lv msg.
Reflections Sublease Dec-Aug. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, furnished, cable, W/D, utilities included. $350/mo, price negotiable. 679-4567
Spacious 2/1.5 Townhome. W/D, garage, close to USF, housekeeping. $515/per room, utilities included. Haughawout 760-4077.
Sub-lease Boardwalk Apts. Move-in only $35. Female, fully furnished, in gated community, $450/mo. (813)691-1537
The Oaks 2BR/2BA, LR/DR, new blinds, W/D, newly painted, microwave, fireplace, swimming pool, tennis, near USF. Advantage Realty 813-241-2715.
The Oaks Condo, 2BR/2BA, W/D, fireplace, pool, tennis courts. $625/mo. Avail Jan 1st. 973-3771
USF, students, huge furnished 8BR home, co-ed, single or shared room. Includes; utilities, cable, phone, maid, supplies. $295-$395/mo. 813-814-2164
Apts. & Houses to Share
$420 everything included. Sublease 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA near USF/Tampa Palms. Furnised, W/D. Mature female. 903-1907Collegiate Sublease 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA, unfurnished bedroom-includes all utilities, cable, W/D, 1st floor. $450/mo. 695-3276
Furnished 3BR/3BA townhouse. New Tampa area, sports center, pool, some pets allowed, gated community. Call 813-994-6625 or 954-298-8698.
Autos for Sale
1996 Chev. Cavalier LS Aqua. $4,995, 4cyl, Auto, 4dr, 32K miles. All extras, nice. 503-5085CARS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.