More parking spots imminent
If the director for Parking and Transportation Services Greg SylvesterÃs plans go as scheduled, 10 years from now there could be four new parking structures at USF. But to help pay for the first $12 million structure, Sylvester said the parking permit rate will increase during those years, as well.
By the year 2007, students could pay as much as $125 for an annual parking permit.
During a Parking and Transportation Services forum Thursday, Sylvester presented a transportation master plan in the Marshall Center. Although the forum had been advertised in The Oracle throughout the week, only five people attended the presentation.
As part of the master plan, Sylvester said he wanted to share his concerns about parking spaces that will be lost when construction begins in August for the new parking structure.
About 300 spaces in the lot behind the Library are expected to be lost and road improvements near USFÃs main entrance will occur along with construction, Sylvester said.
ìWe need to find out how weÃre going to allocate those people,î Sylvester said. ìNext fall is going to be a tough fall. But then after that, there is light at the end of the tunnel.î
According to Parking and Transportation Servicesà budget, the bond for the Crescent Hill parking garage is not expected to be paid until 2016.
ìWeÃre in pretty good shape financially,î Sylvester said. ìIf we were in bad shape, weÃd have a hard time getting bonds.î
This year, a $2-per-credit-hour transportation access fee was implemented to help establish funding for construction of a second parking structure. As a self-supporting service, Sylvester said Parking and Transportation Services needs to make sure revenues are moving forward with expenses. Sylvester said they are currently working with a $5.8 million budget.
ìNobodyÃs happy about paying for parking,î Sylvester said. ìWeÃre operating like a business. We canÃt just go to the state (to ask for funds).î
Sylvester said they are looking for other means of revenue, and the advertising within the shuttle buses had brought in a few hundred dollars so far to help pay for expenses.
Sylvester said the proposed parking structure will be built in the lot behind the Library and is expected to be finished by April 2004. The structure will add about 900 spaces and Sylvester said he wants to add another 900 spaces, with another parking structure near the Health Sciences Center or Fine Arts Building.