SG Supreme Court to release decision on referendum today

The SG Supreme Court has denied the referendum once because it was not submitted 15 business days prior to midterm elections. ORACLE PHOTO

Student Government’s (SG) Supreme Court discussed a referendum Monday night that would ask students if they would be willing to pay a $6 to $9 per-credit-hour fee to help finance an on-campus football stadium. The Court is expected to release a decision Tuesday by 5 p.m.

If approved by the Court, the referendum will be on students’ midterm election ballots, allowing them to vote “yes” or “no.” Midterm elections will take place Oct. 9 and 10.

The referendum was denied by the Court on Sept. 21 because SG Senate did not submit it to the Court 15 business days prior to the midterm election. It was instead submitted only 12 business days prior, therefore, not meeting constitutional conformity.

However, at the last Student Government Senate meeting on Sept. 25, a bill was approved that changed this requirement so the Judicial Branch would have five business days to approve a referendum.

Sen. Yusuf Fattah presented the referendum to the Court and explained that it was passed within the correct timeline and would require adherence to the bill that changed this deadline.

“There was a bill that changed the timeline that passed at the beginning of the Senate meeting,” Fattah said. “This (referendum) passed at the end. This (bill) was signed before we voted on this referendum.”


This is a developing story. Stay with The Oracle for updates.