SG senate passes bill to give BOT control of student fees

Student Government Senate approved a resolution Tuesday to give the Board of Trustees control of local student fees.

Student body president, Mike Griffin, said the approval was the first step in giving the trustees power to lower or raise student fees such as athletic fees and arts and sciences fees.

“We need local control so we can reach the needs of USF,” Griffin said. “Tallahassee needs to realize that the needs of our fees are different from other university fees.”

Griffin said the next step is bringing Resolution No. 5 to Tallahassee so legislators can see the voiced opinions of Student Government.

“It shows them that we are united, and we want local control,” Griffin said. “The resolution will help us get things we want when we want them.”

Griffin said he is not yet sure when Tallahassee will review the resolution, but he is hoping it will be reviewed at a special session that will be held next week.

Other senate business held was a debate about whether to pass an amendment to Bill 16, which would allow freshmen and transfer students to campaign to be a senator.

“In the past, freshmen have ran for senator and won, and if the bill is passed, they will be allowed to do so again,” Griffin said. “If the amendment is approved at the senate meeting it will not take effect until the spring semester.”

Freshmen are still welcome to attend senate meetings, but they cannot campaign to be a senator until the bill is passed by both the senate and student body, Griffin said.

  • Grace Agostin