Beat summer boredom on a budget
In the relaxation mode of summer, there is a fine line between being relaxed and being bored. If you find yourself in front of the...
Audit findings lead to stricter attendance policy
The Office of the Registrar sent email blasts and posted in the Registrars Chronicle, reminding faculty of the importance of student attendance. Failure to (take...
USF involvement with new Polyto continue past July
USFs involvement with Floridas newest public university, Florida Polytechnic University, will stretch beyond the looming July 1 date when USF will be required to transfer...
Facebook has helped redefine the role of social media
Since February 2004, Facebook has accumulated 901 million users worldwide, so it was no surprise on May 18 when the company went public at an...
Online public university needs stronger foundation
The economic situation calls for innovation in all respects, and education is no exception. Florida legislators are searching for a means of progress that will...