‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ needs to be abolished
The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was signed into law by former President Bill Clinton in 1993 as a compromise allowing gays and lesbians to...
Police should aggressively combat drinking on campus
Public outcry delayed a novel idea to stop underage drinking at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., but the new tactic is a good way USF...
University’s new school will be first in the nation
It will be the first in the state, even the nation. That’s the reason USF held a celebration in honor of a new school to...
USF rejects recommendations on impasse
University staff members got what they were dreading – and it’s left them with questions. After USF rejected a special master’s recommendation late last week...
American Idol Viewing Party
Attention American Idol fans, this party is for you. On Wednesday, Soho Sushi on Bearss Avenue is hosting an American Idol viewing party at 7...