A model of thinness is no model at all
Ana Carolina Reston and Luisel Ramos were young, promising models who had their whole lives ahead of them. However, due to the pressures to stay...
The other side of battle
After tackling the issues of child abuse and euthanasia in Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby, legendary actor/director Clint Eastwood decided to tackle the biggest...
‘Weekend in the City’ worth the trip
The british indie quintet Bloc Party returns with its new release Weekend in the City, a follow-up to its 2005 album Silent Alarm. This sophomore...
Coach Jim Leavitt happy with signees, transfers
Wednesday, National Signing Day, is Christmas for coach Jim Leavitt. And in that sense, the 11-year coach for USF feels he got everything he wanted...
Steps toward the series
There is a common message echoed throughout the softball team that starts from USF coach Ken Eriksen: Expect to win. Last year, the team did...