To tip and when to tip? That is the question.
People need to tip. Some workers depend on tips to equal out their hourly wage, which is problem when people don’t understand how much or...
Learning to cope
My father died when I was 8 years old. Sharing this isn’t meant to evoke sympathy or pity – it’s just a fact of my...
Meth making a malfeasant mess of Florida
The drug scene has changed drastically in the past few years. When I was in high school, marijuana was the popular drug among teens and...
Churches and businesses have a lot in common
There isn’t much people won’t do for nearly $9 million. Even priests, who make solemn vows of poverty, will do dishonest things to obtain that...
Tolkien expert explains reality of fantasy
The fantasy genre has seen a resurgence of popularity, mostly due to the accessibility and success of cinematic adaptations of canonical fantasy novels. Tom Shippey,...