Puzzle Solution 10/26
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Classifieds 10/26
AnnouncementsCHRISTIAN STUDENTS WANTED: Small church near USF needs: children’s songleader, trumpet player, country guitarist. (977-3333)Travel Opportunities!!BAHAMA SPRING BREAK!!$189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7-Days/6-Nights Prices include: Round-trip luxury...
Securing the swing states with presidential clout
CORVALLIS, Ore. – The scene at a campaign stump speech is an all-too familiar, all-too routine celebration of a candidate’s greatest virtues. At President Bush’s...
Preventing suicide a worthy goal
Studies show that more than half a million young people try to take their own lives each year. About 3,000 of them succeed, making suicide...
Not so horror-able costume ideas
Halloween is right around the corner, and students don’t want to throw a sheet over their heads and be a ghost again. This year’s costume...