Classifieds 10/25
Rick Temple, Ph.D., will present “Stress Management” Monday, October 25, 2004 in DAC 103, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Call the Counseling Center, 974-9316 for more information.Rick Temple, Ph.D., will present “Stress Management” Monday, October 25, 2004 in DAC 103, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Call the Counseling Center, 974-9316 for more information.
Travel Opportunities
!!BAHAMA SPRING BREAK!!$189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7-Days/6-Nights Prices include: Round-trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice of ten resorts. Free V.I.P. party package upgrade.Appalachia Travel1-800-867-5018 WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE! Must book before Dec. 1 ’04!Spring Break Bahamas Celebrity Party Cruise! 5 Days $299! Includes Meals, Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, Nassau, Jamaica From $459! Panama City & Daytona $159! 1-800-678-6386
Spring Break Brazil. 2005 pack-ages to Rio from $969. Earn a free trip. Call 1-877-456-WILD.
Service Offered
Violin Lessons. All levels. 813-317-7812Voice Lessons. Sing like a pro. All levels. All styles. Special USF rates. Call 813-774-4681.
Wild Eyes Contact LensesNow Available Halloween Special$139-complete w/exam Dr Friefeld inside For-Eyes Optical 972-1573
WINDOW TINT $49.99 &up. Car Alarms $79.99 installed. Lowering Springs $100.00 set. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950
With a new laser technology, acne treatment & skin rejuvena-tion. $100 per treatment guaran-teed. 813-997-0866
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$100 Hiring Bonus. FT/PT posi-tions available. Our employees are our #1 priority. 514-1212
$7.00-$10.00/hourChoose Your ScheduleBanquets/Special EventsFree Banquet TrainingLittle Experience NeededEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
ACTIVISTS NEEDED TO GET OUT THE VOTE. Evening shift, Earn $250 – $400/week, 6 Hour Day. Call (813)241-6333.
Administrative Assistant PT or FT. Experience with Microsoft Office. Business or Accounting skills a plus. South Tampa area. 813-625-4095
Are You Prelaw? Secretary/Re-ceptionist needed for south Tampa law firm. Call 250-2900.
Attention Cigarette Smokers! Earn $10 in 1hr by participating in a research study at USF. You will fill out a few questionnaires and do a short computer task. Please call 813-745-1751 and ask for Andrea or the Word Study.
Childcare Workers Needed, work in private homes. All areas and hours available. References needed. 672-2232
Civil Engineering Intern/Design-er for fast growing Tampa firm. AutoCAD/Land Desktop experi-ence. Competitive salary and benefits. Email resume to or fax 813-250-3636.
Corpus Christi Catholic School, Temple Terrace, is seeking an en-thusiastic part-time Music teacher for grades PreK through 8th. Fax resume to 813-989-2665 or call 813-988-1722.
COURTROOM MONITOR-need availability of 7:30am-12:30pm M-F or 12:30pm-8:00pm M-F. 40wpm, $11/hr, will train. Fax resume/schedule to 221-3215.
Don’t just sit there, DO SOME-THING Election weekend! Put an end to the Right-Wing agenda!! $75 per day expense stipend for volunteers. Call 813-871-2366, ACT Florida.
Dreds, Cornrows, Micros & more. Wicked Stylzz. Experienced Braiders wanted. Great place. 813-335-9001
€ FALL OPENINGSGood pay. Ideal for students. No exp nec. Conditions apply.All ages 18+. Cust sales/svc.
Finance & Accounting major wanted for administrative position. FT position available upon gradu-ation. Fax resume: 676-0053.
Floating Leasing Consultant po-sition available to work between 3 apt communities in Tpa. Flex hrs 30-40 per/week $10/hr. Send re-sume to
Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!
Hiring Cheerleading/Karate Coaches to teach children’s classes near USF! $30.00/hr, guaranteed! Call 813-817-KICK.
Intake Workers. Juvenile Assess-ment Center. Various shifts. FT. High School Diploma required. Gain experience in juvenile justice setting. DFWP/EEO. Fax resume 936-2630.
Looking for a babysitting job? Register at and have access to hundreds of jobs.
Make $100,000 in 2 years. PT work, 10 hrs/week. 969-1839
Movie Extras Needed! National Entertainment Co Is Looking To Acquire New Talent! State/Nationwide Productions. All Looks Needed! Variety Of Posi-tions Available! No Experience Required! Up To $300 a Day! Call 1(877)CAST-DIRECT
Movie Extras, Actors! Make $100-$300/day. No experience re-quired. FT/PT. All looks needed! Call 800-773-8223.
Now hiring in Brandon counter & kitchen help. No experience nec-essary. Please call 813-625-1865.
On Call Sitter and Clerical Help needed. Days or nights, Carroll-wood area. (813)961-7701. Email:
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experi-ence preferred, willing to train right individual. For Eyes Optical, 2201-B E.Fowler Ave.
PART-TIME WORKGreat pay. Resume builder. Work around classes.Customer sales/service. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. Call now. 514-5627
Property Attendant to work nights at Tampa apt community. 9pm-5am. Exp helpful but will train. Excellent for students. Back-ground check required. 971-0911
PT Experienced Telemarketers needed for mortgage lender. Flex hours, good pay. For immediate interview, Joe 813-985-6656.
PT Weekends. Must be 21, have neat appearance & people skills. Requires excellent driving record & heavy lifting. Free lunch & tips. Canoe Escape 986-2067
PT/FT Nannies Needed. Tam-pa area families. 2 years mini-mum child care experience. 813-929-9774
Receptionist $10/hr.NO BORING PEOPLE!2 F/T, 3 P/T positions. ********813-963-0218********
Sales Associates needed. USA Baby seeking 2 PT sales associ-ates. Weekends are a must. Retail exp helpful. Phone: 961-1927, Fax 908-2818.
Servers Wanted! Pizza Suprema II, voted “Best Pizza” in the Tam-pa Bay area, is looking for respon-sible & energetic team players for their 5pm-9/10pm shift. Previous server experience is preferred, but not required. Call Willie Lopez at (813)907-2878 to schedule an in-terview.
SPORTS! We are seeking an ath-letic & responsible person to teach sports & fitness to kids. PT Mon/Wed/Fri, $10/hr. Must have transportation. Email resume to
TELEFUND NOW HIRING. Earn $6.00-$9.25. Open information session 10/25 @ 4pm. 974-1137
Tutor to work w/special needs child in home therapy setting. Training available, flexible hours. 813-788-5553
Veterinary Clinic seeks Vet and/or Kennel assistance morn-ings, evenings, Saturdays. Morn-ings preferred. Call 988-8880.
Child Care
After-School Care for special needs child. Mon&Tues 4-8pm. $10/hr. Special needs experience preferred. 985-1434Babysitter for 2-1/2 & 1-1/2yo. Flex days, 8:30am-6pm. Wesley Chapel area. 813-991-7120
Babysitter/Nanny PT, Mon-Fri 8:45am-2pm. South Tampa near Bayshore, experience and refer-ences required. 831-7794
Transport 2 kids from school (3:30pm) to activities. Tampa Palms/ University area. Need car, references. 310-6764
Apts. & Houses for Rent
1 Bedroom in a 3/2 House, fur-nished. Pool, maid, everything in-cluded. 5miles/USF. No/deposit, $550/mo. 758-16681 Room Available, 3BR/2BA house, Temple Terrace, pool. $375 w/bath & utilities. DSL in-cluded. 980-2276
Brand New 2BR/2.5BA Town-house. $900/mo. Pool, water, 1364sf. I75/54, Land O Lakes. Call Susha 813-598-2299.
Brand New House, rooms for rent. 3/2 plus W/D. 5 minutes from USF. 972-7717. $425.
Close to USF, 8BR home, co-ed, furnished, single or shared room. Includes; utilities, cable, phone, maid, supplies. $350-$450/mo. 813-968-3207
MOVE-IN SPECIAL $200-off 1st month for USF stu-dents. 2BR/1BA-quiet neighbor-hood, from $525 & $585+deposit. 813-985-3478
New College Court. 1BR/1BA in full-furnished 4BR/4BA. Take over lease until Aug. Free months rent. 813-989-2605
Seffner-4 bdrm-pool-fully fur-nished-$400 per bdrm per month-next to the YMCA. Available Jan. Please call 681-2685.
Spooktacular Savings! 1/2 off 1st months 813-632-3765 Roommate style housing
Apts. & Houses to Share
Female roommate needed to share beautiful country house in Lutz. Horses, dogs. Call Monica 294-9797.Female roommate needed, The Highlands @Hunters Green. 3BR/2BA condo, all utils incld, furn. $425/room. (813)892-7537
Female Roommate(s). Neat, fun, responsible. Large pool/jacuzzi home near 275 & Bearss, furn/un-furn. $400-$450+, rental discount for light housework. 813-728-3578
Female Roommate. 1BR, private bath, balcony. One month Free, W/D, pool, fitness, cable. Walk to USF. Call Sally (727)544-1593/ 403-9554.
Graduate Student seeks female roommate to share 2BR/2BA apt in New Tampa. $375/mo includes utilities. 305-393-0658
Roommate wanted! 3bd/2bath house, 5 miles from USF! $550.00 a month. Call 866-0525.
ROOMMATE WANTED! Just across street from USF campus. 813-971-9550
USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732 Sublease
Largest BR in a 4BR/4BA at Campus Lodge. Furn/Utilities incld. $419. ASAP! 954-298-8121Male needed for sublease. Breckenridge. $435/mo. Available Spring Semester from 12/3-8/20. Contact: 307-389-4993
Spring Sublease. Excellence Apts Jan-May. Can renew. 1BR $700. W/D, utilities, cable incld. Across from campus. 899-0631, Alison.
Sublease Jefferson Commons $420/mo, Building 10, Female preferred. 610-742-9811
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Digital Cameras, TV’s & more! Police seized property from $10! For info call 1-800-747-9372 ext-P217.Autos for Sale
1995 Maxima. 83,000miles, ex-cellent condition. Newer tires, brakes, radiator. Leather, Bose stereo, cold air. 928-95651996 Pontiac Firebird. White, Automatic, Leather, Air, CD, 99,800 miles. $4500 OBO. (561)385-5942
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.
Mazda MX3 1994. $1690 OBO. Red, new speakers, automatic, air. 813-494-4143