Classifieds 10/15


To all Students and Faculty The Young Communist League, announces the organization of the USF-YCL Club. The struggle for Peace and Democratic Rights will continue long after The Election. Defeat the agenda of the ultra-right. Organiz-er-J.C. Sharma 813-905-8671 or to join or information. Build the Young Communist League.

Travel Opportunities

!!BAHAMA SPRING BREAK!!$189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7-Days/6-Nights Prices include: Round-trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice of ten resorts. Free V.I.P. party package upgrade.Appalachia Travel1-800-867-5018 WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE! Must book before Dec. 1 ’04

!Spring Break Bahamas Celebrity Party Cruise! 5 Days $299! Includes Meals, Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, Nassau, Jamaica From $459! Panama City & Daytona $159! 1-800-678-6386

Spring Break 2005 with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Opera-tor. Hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Info/reservations 1-800-648-4849

Spring Break Brazil. 2005 pack-ages to Rio from $969. Earn a free trip. Call 1-877-456-WILD.

Service Offered

D.Y.L Pharmacy Now open at 1420 E Fletcher Ave (Fletcher/15th Street). Transfer your prescriptions and get $5.00 voucher towards the purchase of any OTC product in the store. Call 813-631-9597.

Editor/Proofreader available.Essays, Reports, Grad Thesis, Dissertation, etc. $5/pg. Min $25. Call Krista 727-375-0523.

Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573

LASER HAIR REMOVALOctober SpecialChin/lip/underarm/neck-$50 perBikini/full face/arm/back-$100 perFree Consultation 813-385-1919

Voice Lessons. Sing like a pro. All levels. All styles. Special USF rates. Call 813-774-4681.

WINDOW TINT $49.99 &up. Car Alarms $79.99 installed. Lowering Springs $100.00 set. Alarms, ETC. 813-971-5950

With a new laser technology, acne treatment & skin rejuvena-tion. $100 per treatment guaran-teed. 813-997-0866

Help Wanted

!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.

$100 Hiring Bonus. FT/PT posi-tions available. Our employees are our #1 priority. 514-1212

ACTIVIST JOBS MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Clean Water Action, one of the nations largest environmental or-ganizations is NOW HIRING! Join a progressive workplace to protect the environment and democracy. Learn grass roots organizing and fundraising. Work out-doors and make a difference. $370/week, PT/FT. (813)

ACTIVISTS NEEDED TO GET OUT THE VOTE. Evening shift, Earn $250 – $400/week, 6 Hour Day. Call (813)241-6333.

Are You Prelaw? Secretary/Re-ceptionist needed for south Tampa law firm. Call 250-2900.

Attention Cigarette Smokers! Earn $10 in 1hr by participating in a research study at USF. You will fill out a few questionnaires and do a short computer task. Please call 813-745-1751 and ask for Andrea or the Word Study.

CLERICAL P/T 10-20 hrs/wk for north Tampa medical research co. Must have good computer skills. Email resume: EOE/DFWP.

Computer Science Major, PT flexible hours, Microsoft SQL, Web development (HTML, ASP), Windows 2000 server, IIS mainte-nance, Web maintenance. Visit: and email application to:

Customer Service Rep needed. Flex hours. Send resume to

Darkroom Printer. $7/hr, PT 15-20 hrs. Print black & white photos. Experience preferred. 839-3939

Dish Network office now hiring for outside FT/PT sales positions. Excellent pay, minutes from cam-pus. Flexible hours, no exp need-ed. Call AJ @615-2675.

Dreds, Cornrows, Micros & more. Wicked Stylzz. Experienced Braiders wanted. Great place. 813-335-9001

Floating Leasing Consultant po-sition available to work between 3 apt communities in Tpa. Flex hrs 30-40 per/week $10/hr. Send re-sume to

GET PAID CASH to Answer Text Messages on Your Cell Phone! It’s FREE. It’s Easy. Opt-In @

Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!

GET PAID TO DRIVE A BRAND NEW CAR! Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month. Pick Up Your Free Car Key Today!

Great Student Job!! Starting $7/hr + Great Bonuses. Work Part-time: 12-20/hrs a week. Flexible to your schedule. Large independent telephone system company in Carrollwood (Not sales). Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL Businesses. Have fun working in a low pres-sure, casual environment! Looking for great speaking voices! Will train! Leave Msg. (813)349-2110

Hiring Cheerleading/Karate Coaches to teach children’s classes near USF! $30.00/hr, guaranteed! Call 813-817-KICK.

Know Microsoft Access and Excel? I got contract work. Good rates. Contact Mark at

Looking for a babysitting job? Register at and have access to hundreds of jobs.

Make $100,000 in 2 years. PT work, 10 hrs/week. 969-1839

Marketing Rep-On Call. Place Movie Posters in Stores. $10/hr+Gas+Bonus. Need Car/ Camera. (800) 852-6250

Office Assistant. $7/hr, PT flexi-ble 20 hrs/wk. Computer & organi-zational skills. 839-3939

Paradise Lakes Resort now hir-ing servers, cocktail servers, bar-tenders, front desk clerk, massage therapist & maintenance person-nel. Apply within, 2001 Brinson Rd Lutz, Mon-Fri 10-4.

Phone Appt Setter needed 6-7 hours weekly. $8.00 per hour plus performance based bonus. Weekly pay $100-$140. Polk County Student preferred. Call Ron @1-888-265-0159.

Photo Retoucher needed for New Tampa photo studio. Experi-ence w/PhotoShop 7.0/PC, great attitude, willing to help all studio operations. Fax resume to 813-991-0100 w/salary requirements.

Property Attendant to work nights at Tampa apt community. 9pm-5am. Exp helpful but will train. Excellent for students. Back-ground check required. 971-0911

PT file clerk, hours 1pm-5:30pm Mon-Fri. Call 813-971-3882.

PT Receptionist. Sat 9-5, Sun 11-5. $8.00/hr. Tampa Palms. 975-0030.

PT Technology Business Devel-opment job opportunity. 10-20 flex hours per/week. $8/hr+bonus. Call Peter @813-936-3200 x225.

PT Warehouse & Inventory clerk. 32hrs/wk for construction co close to Busch Gardens area. 236-7500

Realtor Assistant, flexible PT 15-20/hrs weekdays, $9.50/hr. Need excellent computer skills: Outlook, Photoshop, Word, Pub-lisher, etc. Detail oriented person able to learn quickly. Call Barbara Jordan @962-0631.

The UPS Store P/T, keyboard skills, customer service required. Afternoons, 20+hrs, training provided. E-mail resume to:

Child Care

Babysitter Part-Time for infant Tuesday & Thursday 9-4. Nursing or Education major preferred. Ref-erences. Contact Shelley 813-972-2550.

Babysitter PT, Citrus Park area. Mon, Tues 3-7:15pm, Thurs 1:30-6:30pm. References required. Call 221-5796.

Babysitter to take and/or pick-up from school. 3-children(4-1/2,9,12) Tampa Palms. Flexible weekdays. Experience/references necessary. 842-0450

Plant City area primarily for triplet boys age 8 & 2yo. Mostly week-ends & some during week. Call Mary 813-754-2129 or fax resume to 813-757-6928.

Real Estate

New Homes $149,900, 3/2/2 1500sf, maintenance free. Off Livingston 3 miles from USF. 866-7166, 727-804-3132

Apts. & Houses for Rent

Brand New House, rooms for rent. 3/2 plus W/D. 5 minutes from USF. 972-7717. $425.

Close to USF, 8BR home, co-ed, furnished, single or shared room. Includes; utilities, cable, phone, maid, supplies. $350-$450/mo. 813-968-3207

Condos for Rent. 1/1 & 2/2 from $600/mo. Near USF on shuttle route. W/D+more. 985-8718

Furnished home w/pool 3 miles from campus, 3BR/2BA. Game-room w/pool table. All amenities included. 641-628-9165

Guest House Apartment, 2nd flr, furnished. Historical district, newly remodeled. $480/mo + electric. 232-1917

MOVE-IN SPECIAL $200-off 1st month for USF stu-dents. 2BR/1BA-quiet neighbor-hood, from $525 & $585+deposit. 813-985-3478

Pack Your Bags, move to Para-dise. 1/2 off 1st full months rent. Roommate style housing. 813-632-3765

River Oaks Condos, 1BR in 2BR/2BA. $500/mo everything incld. 3 miles/USF. Gated/guarded community. Call 813-469-1802.

Room for Rent in house near Campus Lodge. Everything includ-ed plus security. $475/mo. Call 494-1746.

Seffner-4 bdrm-pool-fully fur-nished-$400 per bdrm per month-next to the YMCA. Available Jan. Please call 681-2685.

WOW! HUNTERS GREEN. Exclu-sive gated golf course community, newly remodeled 1BR/1BA, pool, clubhouse, non-smoker. $750/mo. 813-842-8519

Apts. & Houses to Share

1BD/1BA $415. Female non-smoking. Includes all utils + cable. Please call Fay 813-495-2176.

2BR/2BA Townhomes Roommates Wanted 813-972-2507

Christian Female Roommate needed ASAP. Carrollwood 3BR/2BA; utilities + Roadrunner, W/D; approx $400/month Total. 727-463-2007

Female Roommate to share new gated townhome, Hunters Key 2BR/2BA, furnished. $650 utilities included. 813-866-3775

Female Roommate(s). Neat, fun, responsible. Large pool/jacuzzi home near 275 & Bearss, furn/un-furn. $400-$450+, rental discount for light housework. 813-728-3578

Male Roommate Needed 3BR/2BA house in Temple Ter-race. $350/mo + 1/3 utilities. Call 941-726-4628.

ONE MONTH FREE! 3BR/3BA, W/D, utilities included, $524/mo. Campus Lodge sublease until August 1st. 941-704-9997

Roommate Needed to share new house in New Tampa. Pool, golf course. $400/mo+utils. Call 321-277-4684.

Snazzy Lutz House, 1rm in 3/2/2, pool, pool table, broadband, utilit-ies included, $450/mo, call 813-300-4210.

USF student looking for 2-room-mates(M/F) to share 3BR town-house-Arbors at Fletcher Island. $360/mo. ASAP! (813)404-0077 Sublease

Jefferson Commons Male Sub-lease. 1BR in 3BR/3BA, upgraded hardwood flrs, cathedral ceilings. $430/mo. Adam (708)653-1637.

For Sale/Miscellaneous

Digital Cameras, TV’s & more! Police seized property from $10! For info call 1-800-747-9372 ext-P217.


Bed $110, Queen plush top. Brand new in plastic. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Bed $85. Brand new full-size mat-tress set, still in plastic, w/warran-ty. 813-870-0070. Can deliver.

Bedroom Set, $499. Brand new, still in box. Sofa & Loveseat, $475. Brand new, must sell. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Top Grain Italian leather Sofa & Loveseat. New, still in plastic. $895. Can deliver. 813-870-0070

Autos for Sale

94 Saturn SL2 $1400 OBO. Auto-matic, exterior: red, interior: grey. A/C, Kenwood CD player, good condition. Call: (813) 503-9015.

HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-747-9319 ext. 7453.