Classifieds 12/05
Announcements **J.R. REED*FAN*CLUB!**Let’s make J.R. USF’s first #1 “NFL Draft Pick!!” GRADUATING STUDENTS & ALUMNISTUDENT LOAN INTEREST RATES 2.82%Fix your variable interest rates now. Lowest...
Letters to the Editor
Construction noise cannot impair teaching Year after year, I continue purchasing parking passes even though I can rarely find a space. I have watched tuition...
Pledge against Constitution
#8220;I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” The original...
Photo of the Day 12/05
Oracle/VICTOR GRILEY Alpha Epsilon Pi battles The Crackers at the Sports Trivia Bowl on Thursday night in the Physical Education Building. Team Quiz Bowl won...
Paper 12/5
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