Classifieds 10-8


Do you make international calls? Before you call again check your rate free at

I drive on FREE GAS! You can too!

Instruction, Schools

TEST PREPARATION. Pre-pare for LSAT, GMAT, GRE and SAT, call USF Continuing Educa-tion 813/974-2403,


Spirituality 101Final Exam $25,000Open Book Contest On Papers 141-187 of The Urantia Book For Details please

Service Offered

Dissertation/ThesisCopy Editing/FormattingAPA, MLA, ChicagoExperienced, ProfessionalWriter/Editor ReferencesFMI 813-962-4707

ENGLISH and SPANISHPrivate Tutoringat a reasonable priceLeave a message @ 691-2430

University Car Rental. Good used GM’s/Ford’s from $15/day. Ins. required. No CC required. 977-4231

Help Wanted

!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.

$800 Weekly Guaranteed, stuffing envelopes. Send self ad-dressed stamped envelopes to Scarab Marketing, 28 E. Jackson, 10th Floor, Suite 938, Chicago IL 60604.

* FALL WORK$12.50 guar/appt, resume builder, work around classes, co-op/intern-ship avail, cust sales/svc, no exp necessary, conditions apply. Call now, 936-1122

Accounting/Bookkeeping position, FT/PT, Tampa based company. Exp necessary. Excel-lent pay and benefits. Send resume to PO Box 17559, Tampa 33682-7559.

Activist Campaign Positions Fight for social justice against corporate greed and build your resume. FT/PT available. 813-877-6712
ATTENTION: STUDENTSNat’l company expanding in the Bay area. Looking for motivated individuals for cust sales/svc posi-tions. Great pay. FT/PT sched avail. Conditions apply. Call now. 936-1122

Bartender Trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local posi-tions. 1-800-293-3985, ext. 535.

BILLING DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNTINGWill train. Law Firm. Requires good typing skills, math aptitude and computer knowledge. Fulltime only. Hours are 8-5. Good bene-fits. Excellent work environment. Close to USF in Sabal Park. For appointment call 915-8660, fax resume to 915-0559.

Civil Engineers Naples, FL. Work in site, highway and utility design. Excellent benefits. E-mail resume to:

Customer Service/Sales/Graph-ic Designers needed. Fast grow-ing Advertisement Company. Grow with us. Call 813-961-0994, 2pm till 6pm Mon-Fri.

Down Shift Magazine seeks PT Marketing Rep. Advertising Sales, 20% commission. Contact Robert (813)431-2389

Drummer, Singer & Guitarist for forming 80’s style band. 784-8543

Front Office, computer knowl-edge, good phone/people skills, reliable & will train. Fax resume 813-875-9520.

Get Paid for your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and More per Survey!

Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, PT/FT, Tampa International or Westshore Plazas. Call 813-351-8181-ask for Michael or Cam.

Ideal Student Job! Part-time M-F 1-5. Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL busi-nesses (NO SALES) for telephone system company in Carrollwood. Low pressure, casual environ-ment. Looking for great speaking voices. $7 to $8/hr + Comm! Sign-on Bonus! Leave Msg. (813)349-2119

Inbound Phone Sales, bilingual a plus. Great money, evening hours. Call 813-246-9088, ext 311.

Marketing Student Intern-ship involving product photogra-phy, writing. Interested in expand-ing duties. Email resume to:

Motivated Salesperson for inter-net/phone/in-person sales. Experi-ence good but not required. Email Phone 727-364-1321.

Nannies needed PT. Westchase Mon&Thurs 8-6, infant experi-ence. Oldsmar 2 overnights. Clean record, references. 269-4954

Now hiring energetic, motivated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. PT/FT. Flex sched-ules. Hourly + commission. Citrus and Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.

Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist part-time. Call 903-0197.

Office Assistant-F/T position. Secretarial/computer skills includ-ing, Windows & MSOffice. Bilin-gual (Span/Eng) preferred but not mandatory. Great benefits. Fax resume to 813-986-6790.

PARALEGAL TRAINEEWill train, start as clerk. Foreclo-sure/Bankruptcy. Requires good communication skills, typing and computer knowledge. Fulltime. Benefits. Opportunity for advance-ment. Excellent work environment. Close to USF, Sabal Park. For ap-pointment call 915-8660, fax re-sume to 915-0559.

PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY Chemistry Grad Student or Senior needed by medical device manu-facturer to apply design of experi-ments to refine a litmus paper type chemical indicator. Job duties will include design of experiments to achieve an opti-mum product, product testing, documentation and designing a small scale production process. Part-time, flexible hours. Call Jeff (727)573-0088 Extension 3061. Email

Pre K4 Teacher with CDA or AA. FT/PT. Call 985-0019.

PT Flexible Black Jack dealing, Fri/Sat. Call 813-643-3897 M-F.

PT Office Help, Tues, Thurs & Sat. Optometrist office. Citrus Park Mall. 813-920-3712

Child Care

Babysitter for weekend nights for toddler. St Pete area. Prefer CPR training. 727-526-8858, leave message.

Babysitter/Mothers helper need-ed for 4yo boy. 10 minutes from campus. Thur & Fri 3:30-7pm. Non-smoker, own transportation, fluent english. Call (813)961-2028.

Childcare, special needs child. Mon/Wed/Thurs 7-9am or Sun 7-11am. Special Ed major preferred. $10/hr. 985-1434

PART-TIME NANNYPlant City area. Triplet boys age 8 and a 2yr/old. Call for details (813)754-2129, ask for Mary or fax resume to (813)757-6928.

Real Estate

For Sale-Temple Terrace, 5-miles from USF. 3BR/2BA, large LR w/FP. Newly remodeled, many extras. $145,000. 263-8353

OPEN HOUSE 1-3, October 12th. 38841 James Ct, Zephyrhills. $137,200,. 3/2/2, jacuzzi, florida-room, workshop. Wanda Sexton Realty, 813-983-0995.

Apts. & Houses for Rent

260sf Room in large house. 5 mi-nutes to USF. $450/mo, all includ-ed plus deposit. 985-0668

Avalon Heights Sublease, Fe-male, 1BR in furn 3BR/3BA. $520/mo includes everything. Available now. 561-487-1196

Collegiate Hall Sublease Female, 4BR/4BA, $399/mo in-cludes utilities. 1st month free. Available ASAP. 615-9612

DISCOUNT RENT. The Oaks-on 46th St-walking distance from USF. 2BR/2BA, W/D, water/cable incld, new appliances. $700/mo. 813-268-5300

Private 1-bedroom Apartment at “Jefferson Commons.” Utilities in-cluded(water, electricity, Internet, furniture)for $724/mo. 3rd floor. (813)505-9759

Rent Large 1BR in Windridge Apts, $505/mo. Available Nov 1st. 971-0911

Sublease Campus Lodge 4BR/4BA, $419/mo, Male. Call 727-510-0187.

Temple Terrace, extra-large 2/1 on quiet cul-de-sac. W/D hook-up, CH/A. $650/mo. (813)909-1313

USF STUDENT SPECIAL-Large 2BR/1BA, quiet neighbor-hood, $545/mo(regularly)+depos-it. Call Charlott 985-3478 for USF students special.

Walk to USF-Bavarian Village 2BR/2BA, 1100sf, W/D hook-up, new carpet/paint. Available 10/5/03. $695-includes water. 813-376-8787

Apts. & Houses to Share

1BR/1BA available for rent in New Tampa home. Screened lanai w/pool. $400+ 1/2 utilities. 813-625-1699

2-Story House for several room-mates. 4BR/3.5BA, beautiful gat-ed community w/pool, security. $2,000/mo. BruceBDowns/Coun-tyLine. (813)714-8974

Female Roommate Wanted im-mediately, 2BR/2BA apartment, USF area. $317/mo. Call before 5pm: 813-841-7946.

Female Roommate wanted to share 5BR house in Brandon area. 813-486-4043

Female Roommate wanted. Cambridge Woods, 2BR/2.5BA, near USF. $378/mo-plus utilities. Unfurnished. Call 813-972-3746 or 813-748-6518.

Female seeks roommate to share home. Room available for immediate occupancy. Grad student/professional preferred. 813-833-2406

Furnished room, 5 minutes to USF. Prefer Male. $290/mo + util-ities. Non-smoker, clean. Marian 453-5749.

House to share in Carrollwood. Separate bedroom & bathroom. $500/mo + utilities. 813-264-9060

USF area, roommate needed. Large house, no pets. $309/mo + 1/4 utilities. 382-3732

For Sale/Miscellaneous

Wooden-framed King Waterbed (or Conventional)-$250/obo. 1968 VW Bus-$4500/obo. Sunglasses, Handbags(designer copies). All available at BullMarket-Wednes-days.

Autos for Sale

93 Nissan Sentra Classic. Great condition, 110K miles, white, auto, $1599/OBO. 813-907-7346

Chrysler LeBaron Convertible. 1990, Power Locks/Windows, A/C. Excellent condition. $1,900. 727-244-2465

HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.

Motorcycles, Scooters

1993 Kawasaki Ninja 750ZX. Runs excellent, looks beautiful! Low miles, garage kept. $3700.00. (813)205-8165

Suzuki Bandit 600s, $3000 OBO. Call Matt 637-0533.


Complete Computer System. 18GB, CD/DVD, Win98, Ethernet, B/WPrinter, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Speakers, Desk, $350. 966-3363