Classifieds 8/28
CHURCH NEAR USF NEEDS: Small band, children’s songleader, choir members, Bible teacher, Sunday greeters. (977-3333)DENTAL, VISION, RX Discount Plan $11.95-indv, $19.95-household. 20%-80% discounts. Previous condition OK. Also potential in-come opportunity. 813-230-7558
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS always experience a warm welcome in Christ Chapel (Bearss/Livingston). Come this Sunday!
JESUS WELCOMES YOU to His very unusual church – Christ Chapel (Bearss/Livingston). Come this Sunday!
FREE REGGAE-SKIPPER’S SMOKEHOUSEWednesdays USF Ladies 18 & over w/ID. Friday, Saturn 5.Spirituality 101Final Exam $25,000Open Book Contest On Papers 141-187 of The Urantia Book For Details please
Service Offered
ENGLISH and SPANISHPrivate Tutoringat a reasonable priceLeave a message @ 691-2430Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, USF Discounts Walk-ins WelcomeFor Eyes Optical2201-E.Fowler Avenue813-972-1573
Grandma Val’s ChildcareLicense# FTA43066924 Hour Care Mon-Fri984-9888
MOVING? Truck, trailer, driver for hire. JET-SKI, water-ski, tube rides, group rates. 810-1805
SPANISH, CATALAN,PHYSICSPrivate TutoringNative Spanish(Madrid)Call Pablo at 598-3258 Ask about group rates
University Car Rental. Good used GM’s/Ford’s from $15/day. Ins. required. No CC required. 977-4231
Help Wanted
!Bartending! $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520, ext 136.$7-9/hr.Banquets/Catering Choose Your Schedule Little Experience NeededFree Server/Bar TrainingEliteHospitalityProfessionals813-866-3830
ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT, PT, flexible hours, Quickbooks experience preferred. $7/hr. Fax: 813-880-7878 Email:
After-school help w/driving & possible grocery shopping, downtown area to USF area. Call 813-391-3458.
Animal Care Technician:Part-time positions available on campus. Prefer pre-vet or experi-enced vet assistants. Flexible work schedules. Must be willing to work weekends/holidays. Contact: Amy Combast, 979-6743.
Appointment Setters, eve-ning hours. $200-300/week. Call Dave 941-713-0895.
ATTN: ENTREPRENEURS Successful Director with expand-ing communications firm may be looking for you. 813-216-4627
BILLING DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNTINGWill train. Law Firm. Requires good typing skills, math aptitude and computer knowledge. Fulltime only. Hours are 8-5. Good bene-fits. Excellent work environment. Close to USF in Sabal Park. For appointment call 915-8660, fax resume to 915-0559.
Childcare Workers needed, work in private homes. All areas and hours available. References needed. 672-2232
Corporate 800, in-bound tele-phone operators. 8am-11pm, 7/days, FT/PT. $6.50/hr. Apply 4211 E.Busch Blvd, Suite-E, 9-5.
Counselor, after-school pro-gram, private school. M-F 2:30-6. Call 202-8160, ask for Gayle.
Darkroom Printer $7/hr PT. Black & white photos, 20/hrs week. Exp preferred. 839-3939
Delivery Drivers $10-14/hr, Cashiers & restaurant help. The Wing King, 1132 E.Fletcher, 4pm-12. 732-8824, 866-8233.
Driver needed for 3yo from Citrus Park Elementary to Inde-pendent Day School, afternoons only. 792-0387
EARN EXTRA $$$!SAT & Academic Tutoring. PT, flexible hours, excellent hourly wages. Communication/teaching skills required. Paid training for SAT tutoring. Positions available in St. Petersburg & Tampa. 727-381-9722 Email:
Equestrian Part Time posi-tion. Product sales, barn & show help, some riding, exp required. 813-986-1702(Kim)
Front Office, computer knowl-edge, good phone/people skills, reliable & will train. Fax resume 813-875-9520.
Housekeeping 5 hours on Fridays from 11am-4pm, $10/hr. Call 689-9100 for appointment. Lutz area.
Ideal Student Job! Part-time M-F 1-5. Generate leads for sales reps by calling FL busi-nesses (NO SALES) for telephone system company in Carrollwood. Low pressure, casual environ-ment. Looking for great speaking voices. $7 to $8/hr + Comm! Sign-on Bonus! Leave Msg. (813)349-2119
Immediate full-time Job Openings. Sales/Telemarketing, $10/hr+, Mon-Fri, no weekends or nights. 813-889-0578, ask for Richard.
Immediate PT Customer Serv-ice Rep openings with Axolotl Corp, M-F, 30hrs/wk, $8/hr. Send resume to: or fax to: (800)596-9458. EOE
KARATE INSTRUCTORneeded to teach children. Pasco County. Mon & Wed. PT evenings 5:30-8:30pm. Great pay! Must have car. Call Melanie 931-7572.
Looking for student to assist elderly lady approx 10-14hrs/wk w/light housekeeping, daily activi-ties & providing companionship. Please call 813-878-3754 during the day.
Louis Pappas Market Cafe now hiring all positions. Apply be-tween 2-5pm, 14913 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Oak Ramble Plaza.
Math Tutors PT, Algebra & Ge-ometry. Brandon area. 620-3764
MOVIE/TV EXTRAS NEED-ED. No experience necessary!! Earn up to $500-$1000/Day!! Call Now for immediate exposure, 1-888-820-0167×968.
Needed: Servers, Hosti, Kitchen Staff. Apply in person, Mon-Thurs, 2-4pm, 18+.J. Alexanders Restaurant913 Dale Mabry, 813-354-9006
New business assistant, good opportunity, PT, good com-munication skill. Joe, 988-8328
North Tampa School for learning disabled students needs after-school counselor. Experi-ence preferred. 2:30-6:00pm M-F. 935-0232
Now hiring energetic, moti-vated sales associates to sell cell phone accessories. PT/FT. Flex schedules. Hourly + commission. Citrus & Brandon Malls. Contact 813-376-9048.
Office Assistant, PT, flexible; Laboratory Assistant, around 11:30am-3:30pm, $7.50/hr, 272-2260
Optometric Assistant-PT for busy office near USF. Experi-ence preferred, willing to train right individual. For Eyes Optical, 2201-B E.Fowler Ave.
PART TIME. Research firm in Downtown Tampa seeking ener-getic interviewers and admin. As-sistants. Competitive pay, flexible hours. 813-226-1800
Part-Time Office Clerk-Part-time hours are flexible. General office skills-filing, phones, basic word and excel, etc. Fax resume to Cheryl @813-969-2108 or email
Phone Pros. Veterans charity. To $9/hr. All shifts. Selling experi-ence preferred. 249-4910
Position available, PT Veteri-narian Assistant. Experienced pre-ferred. Please call 985-6761 to schedule an interview.
Property Attendant. Must work from 9pm-5am. Apply at 4014 W. Waters Ave. No calls please.
PT After-School Help. $7.50+/hr depending on exp. 17-20hrs/week. Contact through email (resume if available):
PT Back Office, will train. 8:15am-1:00pm, Tues, Wed & Thurs. Non-smoker, references. 972-4300
PT Church Nursery Supervi-sor. Must be 18. Minimum 2-years professional childcare experience. New Tampa. 907-3057
PT Office Help Optometrist office. Citrus Park Mall. 813-920-3712
PT Sales/Admin Assistant. Great experience for business major. Serious work in a fun envi-ronment. Must be able to work Saturdays. 254-9626
Receptionist for small Tampa law firm. PT/FT. Fax resume to: 813-251-1731 or email to:
Receptionist- Full-time Hours: 8am-5pm / Mon-Fri. Fax Resume to: Cheryl @ 813-969-2108 or Email:
Receptionist/Light Secreta-rial. $8.50-$9.50 start, 40 hrs/wk, 9-5. Criminal Defense practice downtown. 997-0250
Research Assistant-Pharm. Clinical Trials. Flex hours, PT, Brandon area. Medical back-ground or major type required, ie. nursing, etc. Fax to 813-655-3589.
RESEARCH OpportunitiesMoffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute is seeking mid-level Re-search Technicians in molecular biology, analytic microscopy and tissue procurement. Please for-ward resume and qualifications to:
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center& Research Institute12902 Magnolia DriveTampa, FL 33612Human Resources, Mod-4Phone: 813-975-7899Fax: 813-975-7827E-mail: resumes@moffitt.usf.eduWeb: moffittcancercenter.orgEOE, AA employer, and a drug-free workplace.
Scoopers Needed for upscale ice cream store-Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream & Treatery. PT/flexible hours; days, evenings, weekends. Apply in person, 17016 Palm Point Dr, located behind Red Lob-ster & Olive Garden on BruceB Downs Blvd, NewTampa.
SMOLooking to expand in the Tampa Bay area. Needing experienced Clinical Research Personnel. E-Mail Resume to: Or Fax: 801-640-6660
Software Administrative Assistant PT/FT. Excellent career opportunity. Talented MIS student needed immediately. See
STARTING PAY $10.50Southeastern Freight Lines12315 CR 579Thonotosassa 986-2900P/T Freight Handlers
Statistics Tutor for Email problem solving. Work at home via PC or Mac. 10-15/hrs/wk. MS Excel experience a must, SPSS or Minitab helpful. Email interest to:
VB6.0 Programmer for small projects, or revision of programs, part time. 272-2260
Veterinary Clinic seeks Assistant/Receptionist for FT/PT position. Will train. Call 988-8880.
Wanted: Energetic all-around helper, cooking, cleaning, super-vising homework; 4hrs/day, 5days/wk-salary negotiable based on experience/initiative-Caribbean cooking preferred, but not re-quired; Daytime 813-314-6703; Nighttime 813-960-1631.
Child Care
After-school care, 3-6pm, 11yo, Hunters Green. Ed major preferred. $150/week. 363-9052After-School Sitter w/reliable transportation for 10&5 yr/olds in TampaPalms 2-6pm. Non-smoker. 631-7751(home), 974-3942(work)
Looking for Education major to babysit PT (Mon/Fri afternoons) for 4 & 7 yr/old boys in New Tam-pa. Must be loving, reliable. Call 310-7269.
Morning childcare for special needs child. M-F 7-9am or Sat/Sun 7-10am. $10/hr. Experi-ence preferred. 985-1434
Nanny Needed 3:00-6:30 M-F. Experienced. School pick-up required. Call evenings 903-8366.
Nanny/Sitter needed for 4yo, Mon, Tues & Wed, 11:45-4. Lutz area. Call Patti 813-245-7653.
Needed: Babysitter for 3yo girl every Sat evening 6-10pm in Westchase home. Pay $9.00/hr. 926-5739
Reliable Babysitter needed for 2 yr/old boy. Citrus Park area. Please call Kristen 269-0518.
Seeking Babysitter for week-day afternoons. Must be dependa-ble, have reliable transportation & strong references. Call 903-0207.
South Tampa family seeks babysitter, Tues/Wed 3-6:30. Ex-perienced, energetic & references. 223-3882
Want to earn extra cash? PT Nanny needed for 8/mo female. 10-20/hrs/wk, Brandon. Pet-friend-ly. (813)571-0266
Real Estate
Condo for SaleUSF, Temple Terrace from $50,000. Call Gus Vollmer, University Realty. (813)977-0079, ext111.Apts. & Houses for Rent
1BR Sublease, 5 minutes from campus. $460/mo. Pets OK. Pool, patio, great place. 813-892-16832-Story Efficiency on County Line & BruceBDowns. $550/mo, $550/deposit. Water & electricity included. Call 813-714-8974.
3BR/1BA Apt, approx 1-mile to USF. $675/mo includes water, sewer, trash. 1401 140th Ave. (813)289-0090
3BR/2BA House. 3 miles from USF. Female, USF student. Gated community. $400/mo, includes utilities. (813)914-9397
Breckenridge Sublease $420/mo. Fully furnished, water/ electric included, free cable, wire-less internet. 417-7268
Breckenridge Sublease 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA. Furnish-ed, W/D, shuttle, first floor, utilities incld. Female. $430/mo, negotia-ble. Available Now! 813-905-4078
Condos for rent near USF on Bull Run route. 2BR/2BA, from $675. W/D+more. 985-8718
Historic Seminole Heights. Guest house apt, upstairs, newly remodeled-furnished, single occu-pancy, yearly lease. $490/mo. 232-1917
Lake Forest Spacious 2BR/1.5BA 2-story Townhome w/loft. Pool, laundry, near USF, newly renovated. $950. 1-800-550-2005
Near USF off 42nd St. Large 2BR/2.5BA condo. $1050/mo, 2-yr lease preferred. Ph:813-979-9685 or Fax:813-979-2665.
New Waterfront Townhouse room for rent. 4mi from campus. $475/mo. All utilities/amenities in-cluded. 813-748-5919
One Month Free! Collegiate Hall sublease, $399 a month. Call Nicole at 863-838-9311.
ONE MONTH FREE. 2BR/2BA Condo by USF. $695. Free water, cable & W/D. Call 476-0500.
Quiet 2BR/1.5BA, lawn care, Fowler/Florida area. No pets or smoking. $750/mo, $600 deposit. 933-1831
Riverfront Temple Terrace. 4BR/3BA, 2000+sq/ft, 1/2-acre fenced, lawn maintenance incl, dock, screened porch. $1200/mo. 863-712-3482, 813-914-0216
USF STUDENT SPECIAL-Large 2BR/1BA, quiet neighbor-hood, $545/mo(regularly)+depos-it. Call Charlott 985-3478 for USF students special.
USF/New Tampa condo 2/2 split plan. All appliances and cable incl. Pool, tennis, racquetball. $695 + security. Call Terry 813-956-2383 & view
Apts. & Houses to Share
1-bedroom available in brand new 3-bedroom Townhome, Tampa Palms. $475/mo-includes utilities. Gated community, pool. 813-758-07832BR/2BA Apt-The Preserve @Tampa Palms. 1/2 rent-1/2 util. M/F. W/D, dishwasher. Must sign lease. 863-670-7585
4BR/2BA furnished house to share w/1 person. Pool, jacuzzi. West Meadows(New Tampa). Conservation area. 813-390-0412
6-month Apt Sublease. Available 10/1/03. Split-plan for roommate. $675/mo, $675/dep. Pool, tennis, Temple Terrace. 983-1779
Breckenridge Sublease 1BR/1BA in 4/4, $420/mo-utilit-ies paid, furnished. I will pay your $50 security. 813-505-8634
Cool? Independent? Smoke -Tolerant? Beautiful master-suite, private bath, overlooks river. Washer/Dryer. $135/wk-inclusive. 983-0874. Canoe usage!
Female roommate wanted for 5BR/3BA new house, New Tampa. Pool, laundry. $450+ 1/3utilities. Call 335-6296.
M/F Share 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhome w/24yr/old female. $500/mo. For more info please call 813-910-9343.
Non-smoking female room-mate. 15 mins USF. New town-home, Heritage Isle. 3BR/2.5BA, $500+ 1/2 utilities. 561-301-0271
North Oaks-share 2BR/2BA Condo. USF area, N/S, $450/mo includes utilities + internet. Call Tom 813-758-4939.
Room for Rent Sweetwater Oaks. Very quiet neighborhood, furnished. $300/mo including utilit-ies. Available 8/25. 677-6341
Room for Rent Sweetwater Oaks. Very quiet neighborhood. $450/mo-unfurnished, $500/mo-furnished, including utilities. Avail-able 8/23. 677-6341
Room for Rent, Hyde Park $350/mo. Pets OK. CH/A, dish-washer, W/D, front & back screened porches. Call Jessica 870-2636.
Roommate needed for 2BR apt in Excellence. Apt located in nice, quiet location within com-plex, across the street from cam-pus. Rent is $425/includes all util-ities. Prefer upperclass/graduate student, MorF. Pets OK. Please call Billy @(813)731-1922.
Roommate wanted, 2BR/2BA, USF area. Water + cable included. $350/mo. Call Sam 813-748-1212.
Seminole Heights Bunga-low to share with female. Looking for grad student or professional. 813-833-2406
Share large Temple Terrace house. No pets. $309/mo+utilities. 382-3732
For Sale/Miscellaneous
Huge Clothing Blowout. Thousands of items. Women’s casual to formal size 1-20. Some men’s & children, @$1. 9923 Hwy 301 between Harney & Fowler. Aug 28,29,30, 9-5.Moving Sale! Everything goes! TV, bed, kitchenware, bicycle, bookshelves, microwave, enter-tainment center. 558-0171(home), 974-7365(work).
Speakers: Classic Klipsch KG4, walnut-oil finish, mint condition $500/pair.Klipsch KG2 $150/pair. 334-1114, 935-6869
Autos for Sale
1993 Jeep Cherokee Country, gold, 4dr, A/C, auto. $3,000. Call 813-960-1631.1995 Nissan 200SX, SE-R-2.0L, 1-owner, 5spd, teal, A/C, moon-roof/spoiler, new tint/paint, CD, 134k, $3995. 988-0271
1997 Cadillac DeVille. 68k miles, gold/beige, leather, 12 disc CD, good condition, $9,950. 813-727-0433
HONDAS FROM $500.00! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 7453.
Motorcycles, Scooters
WOWNew Gas Scooters22.5 cc – 49.5 ccFrom $299 – $999www.andbargainsdirect.comComputer
Complete Computer center-633MHZ, 64MB-Ram, 15MBHD, DVD, 17″-Monitor, Cannon color-Printer, Scanner, 30×60 maple Desk-$500. Call (813)978-3988.Hewlett Packard 400mhz Cel-eron processor. 64mb-ram, cd-writer, monitor, printer & scanner incld. $400 OBO. (813)852-6489