Bulls face barrage of UL threes
The forecast in Louisville this weekend called for fair skies. But inside Freedom Hall, it was raining threes. The Cardinals hit a school record 19...
Softball team salvages a tie in Slugger Tourney
The University of South Florida’s softball team prevented going 0-5 in the Louisville Slugger Tournament this weekend when they tied Tennessee 4-4 in final game...
Photo: Up close and personal
Oracle/SAM TAYLOR Freshman Alana Tanksley goes up for a shot closely guarded by Houston’s Rosalind Carter. The Bulls lost 56-53 Sunday.
Editorial: Approve coed dorm rooms
The USF Residence Hall Association made a good move Jan. 28 when it voted to support a proposal for coed dorm rooms. Many universities in...
Muslims educate on Islam
Beginning today, universities across the nation will participate in National Islamic Awareness Month, giving students a chance to learn and ask questions about the Islamic...