Letters to the Editor 10/16
Peace and forgiveness not the solutions
Though disturbed and incensed by their content, I have abstained from responding to the influx of liberal-minded editorials printed in recent weeks that condemn the treatment of Dr. Al-Arian, as well as those championing peace and forgiveness during this time of crisis.
But after reading Ms. Cooper’s letter Thursday concerning both such matters, I find it impossible not to espouse my conservative viewpoint.
For one to suggest the only solution to the current enigma is peace and forgiveness is not only ridiculous but simply naïve. Peace and forgiveness might have been fashionable (and perhaps even warranted) during Vietnam, but they are not the panacea to the current situation.
The al-Qaeda network and its subservient band of “yesmen,” the Taliban, do not act or think in a rational manner. They are not rational beings. In fact, it is quite apparent that they do not want peace and harmony because they cherish and celebrate death and destruction as much as we do life and freedom.
Offering a rational and peaceful conformity to irrational people would achieve nothing. Therefore, any motion to end terrorism with some reconciliation effort would not only prove fruitless, but irresponsible.
I get the feeling that if Ms. Cooper had her way, we’d invite bin Laden and the Taliban over for milk and cookies, sit around a campfire and sing “Kumbaya.”
On account of Dr. Al-Arian, who was put on leave for security reasons only, I couldn’t disagree more with Ms. Cooper’s assessment of the situation, which she characterizes as a “witch hunt.”
In my opinion, Dr. Al-Arian’s own comments have cast doubt on his credibility.
For example, in regards to one of the individuals in question, Dr. Al-Arian said, definitively “He had nothing to do with it (the attack),” yet at the same time, he claims to not have had contact with that person for a period of years.
To make such an assured and conclusive statement, one of two things must either be true: either Dr. Al-Arian has psychic powers he hasn’t yet revealed, or he really has had contact with those people in question.
And while guilt by association is far different than being guilty of association, Dr. Al-Arian is clearly at fault for the latter. Dare I say, where there is smoke there is fire.
Thousands have died and will continue to die in the interest of freedoms we as Americans so heartily enjoy and often take for granted. These freedoms are not inherent, they are not innate.
I can only thank God that the sanctity of those freedoms, which are undoubtedly at risk, are in the hands of those who understand that they must be defended and not ignored.
Perhaps someday, individuals like Ms. Cooper will take some time away from their tree-hugging peace demonstrations, wake up and realize their freedom comes at a price.
Al-Arian should look elsewhere for sympathy
Mr. Arian, if you are looking for sympathy, keep looking. You are who you associate with, and you, my friend, associate with bad people.
Like it or not, you are labeled, and justly so. You should use more caution in choosing your friends. The only injustice so far pertaining to you is that the university has not permanently relieved you of your duties.
Kris Kaiser is a first year MBA student.