Future of Trump’s policies

Political science professor’s consideration of pros and cons regarding three campaign promises.

With the reality of President-elect Donald Trump taking office next January, Trump’s seat in the White House is realistically debated upon whether his policies will be executed. 

Among students, Republican Trump’s most three most important topics are economics, education and foreign policy. 

One of Trump’s proposals — the pro-growth tax plan — is meant to adjust “loopholes,” which allow companies to avoid paying taxes due to political involvement. Half of the solution of the reform is to close these loopholes, inviting federal corporate tax to rise to 35 percent. 

With the inclusion of state and local taxes, it will increase to 39.2 percent and will become the second-highest tax rate in a developed country, according to the U.S. House of Representatives website. 

Approved as a bipartisan agreement, the plan is anticipated to additionally decrease the amount of various tax brackets, which taxpayers are categorized under. The reduction in tax brackets and individual rates will reform the collection of tax laws. 

Trump’s economic policies coincide with his foreign policies and the influence on U.S. Trade deals. 

“What I see him doing is trying to prevent companies from moving overseas, or at least transfer operations overseas,” Edwin Benton, USF political science professor said. 

“Trump has proposed to do that by placing a tax on goods that come back to the U.S. by restricting companies from going overseas to cut corporate taxes, as well as reducing several regulations based on business and industry. It will allow for a greater profit margin than the one currently under regulation and shape tax structure,” Benton said. 

Trump’s proposal for education is to be collaborated with Congress to reduce the cost and debt in exchange for federal tax break and tax dollars.

“He does realize the cost of college education is sometimes beyond the reach of some middle-income people,” Benton said. “(He) would like to see that everyone has the opportunity for higher education. The interest rates are proposed to be lower and an affordable pay-back plan.”

The United States spends more than $600 billion a year on the military. Intended to surpass this amount, Trump’s policy will include a new missile defense system, an active army of 540,000, as well as his request for military generals to present a plan of action to destroy Islamic State during the 30 days following inauguration. 

As far as his immigration and refugee policies have been a topic of discussion during his campaign.

“He would be very reluctant to accept refugees from other parts of the world,” Benton said. “He thinks they could be terrorists and later attack U.S. citizens. ‘Economic refugees’ come from Mexico and building this wall is the solution, or response, he feels appropriate.”

After Hillary Clinton’s concession speech Wednesday, as well as President Barack Obama’s announcement on the outcome of the election, both acknowledged the country’s need to be “stronger together.” 

“If there is a willingness, only time will tell,” Benton said. “If it is as workable as it sounds like it could be.”

Clinton’s win of the popular vote with 59,814,018 to Trump’s 59,611,678 votes shows the closeness of the race and the division across America.  

“The closeness of the election can be seen as a push-back against policies of the Obama Administration,” Benton said. “Whether it be Trump coming into office or Clinton, there is something that needs to be addresses, how they’ll do it, only time will tell.”