Maddening Madden

Just in case football fans need another excuse to watch the NFL Draft this weekend, the folks at EA Sports have provided one.

Sometime during the first hour of Saturday’s telecast — which begins at noon on ESPN — a minute-long commercial will air featuring footage from next-generation Madden NFL video games.

The game will likely be released on next-generation consoles Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Revolution. The Xbox 360 is expected to be available later this year while the PS3 and Revolution are reportedly due out sometime in 2006.

“The ad … is a preview of the photo-realistic graphics and heart-pounding football intensity that is the essence of Madden NFL football — an experience that will come to life like never before on the next generation of video game consoles,” states EA Sports’ Web site.

The commercial, which will air once, goes along with a series of screenshots on EA Sports’ Web site designed to give interested video-game players a sneak peak at the new game before the ad airs. The screenshots can be seen at .

Playstation 2, Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft Xbox versions of Madden NFL 2006 will be released early this August.